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6. Your father is  ¬_________ ¬_________(高得多) than your mother.

7. Of all the animals, I (最喜欢) ¬_________ the horse  ¬_________.

九、 选择填空,把答案的字母编号写在括号内。(共15题,每题1分,共15分)

(   )1. Xiaoling is a good girl, she studies very ¬_______.

A. easy      B. quickly     C. hard

(   )2. Doctor, my daughter sometimes feels hot, and sometimes feels cold, I’m really ¬_________ about her.

A. worried      B. worry      C. worries

(   )3. There are two ¬_________ in our school.

A. cinemas    B. TV station     C. libraries

(   )4. My former pupil Lily ¬_________ to be your pen friend.

A. helps       B. needs     C. wants

(   )5. Kate likes ¬_________ the piano so much, she _________ it for two hours every day.

A. playing, practicing  B. playing, practices     C.  plays, practices

(   )6. It’s raining hard outside now, you’d better _________

A.       B.      C.

(   )7. The fat lady runs too slowly, so I think she can’t

_________ her friends.

A. catches up with       B. catch up with      C.  catching up with

(   )8. I don’t like the big animals, so I _________ go to see the elephants.

A. usually     B. always   C. seldom

(   )9. Don’t eat too _________ sweets and chocolate!

A. many    B. much    C. more

(   )10. The names of the drink are so _________, I want to taste all of them.

A. delicious   B. interesting  C. terrible

(   )11. Tom goes to bed at 11:30p.m., and he gets up at 6:30a.m., so he sleeps for _________ hours every day.

A. six      B. seven     C. eight

(   )12. -What language can you speak ?

- _________.

A. Chips.    B. Children.     C. Chinese.

(   )13. Mushroom, pepper, cabbage and _________ are all vegetables.

A. onion    B. rabbit   C. noodles

(   )14. The little baby has _________ teeth yet.

A. many   B. no    C. not

(   )15. You work too hard, you’d better take _______.

A. a bath    B. a rest     C. away



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