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A. be     B.are    C.too

(   )9.I’d like ____ice cream ,please .

A.some        B.a        C.an

(   )10.____a big meal!

A. How      B.What       C.What’s

(   )11.There ____a lot of food in the kitchen .

A.is       B.are      C.have

(   )12.There are six ____in his room .

A.photo        B.photoes       C.photos

(   )13.She _____like some cherries .

A.don’t        B.would       C.wants

(   )14.You can’t have too      coke.

A.some        B.many        C.much

(   )15.We have milk,eggs and bread ____breakfast .

A.to       B.of     C.for


(  )1.你想知道Tom参加什么运动,你这样问他:

A.What class are you in ?    B.What sport are you in ?

(  )2.如果你是图书管理员,有同学来借书,你会说:

A.What can I do for you?   B.What do you want ?

(  )3.问对方来自哪儿时,应说:

A.Who are you?     B.Where are you from?

(  )4.当你在饭店想看“菜谱”时,会说:

A .May I have the menu ?   B.Pass me the menu .

(  )5.Billy晚上玩游戏不睡觉,你应该对他说:

A.You shouldn’t play too much.     B.You should get up early.


(  )1.Could I have a look at the album?    A.Thank you.

(  )2.Good luck to your team.           B.Yes .

(  )3.What must we take with us ?       C.Sure.

(  )4.Can you find it ?                 D.I’m reading at the table .

(  )5.What are you doing ?             E.I’ve no idea .


1.thin , weak , he , and , is


2.doesn’t ,at ,music ,like , he  ,all


3.player ,really ,a ,he , good ,is


4.computer ,not ,to, a ,play ,good ,it’s ,games ,hobby


5.kind , eat ,you ,of ,only ,food ,can’t ,one


以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的小学2014五年级英语最新暑假作业练习,希望您阅读愉快!


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