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21、There ____ two chicks. (  are,  is,  was)

22、____ do you go to school ?(  How  What  Who )

23、There were some ____.( chicken, eggs, oranges)

24、This bag is _____.  ( big, small, fat )

25、He feels ____.(  happy  angry  hungry)





(  )26、Does London look different now?

A、Yes,it does。  B、No,it doesn‘t.

(  )27、What a big supermarket!

A、It’s a supermarket.  B、Yes, it is.

(  )28、______ ducks are there?

A、How much       B、How many

(  )29、There _______a pond here before.

A、isn‘t  B、wasn’t

(  )30、These cars  ________ small.

A、is  B、are

(  )31、How do they go to the supermarket?

A、By car          B、On foot

(  )32、There ______ fifteen pencils.

A、is              B、are

(  )33、What do you want?

A、Yes, I do .       B、I want a T-shirt.

(  )34、Hello! _____ name is Mary.

A、My       B、Mine         C、I

(  )35、Here you are!

A、Thank you!    B、Yes, it is.          C、May

Ⅵ、阅读理解 (共10小题,计20分)




Hi, I‘m Peter, I’m eleven years old. I come from England. But now I live in Mianyang with my mother and my father. I am a pupil. My home is near the school, so I go to school on foot. My mother is a nurse. She is thirty-five. She goes to work by bus. My father is a worker.  He is thirty-seven. He goes to work by bike,. I have many friends here. We often play football after school.

(   ) 36、How old is Peter ?

A.  11        B.  12        C.  9

(   ) 37、Where is Peter from ?

A. Mianyang    B. England     C. USA

(   ) 38、How does Peter‘s mother go to work ?

A. By bike.      B. On foot.      C. By bus.

(   ) 39、What’s Peter‘s father ?

A. A nurse.      B. A worker.     C. A driver.

(   ) 40、What do they do after school?

A. Play football.   B. Play a game.   C. Play basketball.




Look, this is my room. It’s not big but clean. There is a bed in it. My bag is on the bed. There is a desk. I always do my homework on it. There is a chair , too. My cat likes sleeping under it.  There is a clock on the wall. It‘s eight o’clock now. There are two pictures near the clock. The are beautiful.

My room is nice and clean. I like it !

(   ) 41、My room is big and clean.

(   ) 42、My bag is on the desk.

(   ) 43、My cat likes sleeping under the chair.

(   ) 44、It‘s nine o’clock.

(   ) 45、My room is tidy and nice.



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