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3)Are there ducks on the hat?      .

A.yes,there are    B.yes,there is

4)I couldn’t speak English before.But I       speak now.

A.can      B.can,t

5)This is sam,s T-shirt. It’s

A.hers     B.his

6)      toy plane is it?

It,s Mingming,s.

A.Who     B.Whose

7)You can jump really high,Tom.


A.That,s ok    B.Thank you

8)Is it a Chinese school?      .

A.yes,it is    B.yes,there is

9)Yesterday I       my mother cook the dinner.

A.help     B.helped

10)What are you doing now?

I am       basketball.

A.play     B.playing







5)You/play  with/the/shouldn’t/CDs/.


My school looks very different now!There wasn’t a playground before.But there is a very big playground now.And we often play games there after class.There weren’t any flowers here before.There are lots of flowers now!So our school is very beautiful now! We couldn’t watch TV at school before, but we have TVs in our classroom now.

1)My school looks very different now.  T F

2)There was a playground before.   T F

3)There is a very big playground now.  T F

4)We can play games on the playground now.   T F

5)There aren’t any flowers now.      T F

6)There were some flowers here before.    T F

7)We could watch TV at school before.     T F

8)We have TVs in the classroom now.     T F

9)We can watch TV in the classroom now.    T F

10)The school is very beautiful now.     T F


Hello, my name is Jerry. I live in England. I’ve got a very cute dog. His name is lucky. He is white and black. He is two years old now. He couldn’t help me catch a ball then. But he can catch the ball now. He can also help me open the door.

Isn’t he cute?I love my dog!

A. 选一选(1-5题)

1) Where does Jerry live?

A.He lives in England.     B.He lives in London.

2) Has Jerry got a dog?

A.Yes,he has       B.No,he hasn’t

3) What colour is the dog?

A.White        B.white and black

4) Could the dog catch a ball then?

A.Yes,he could      B.No,he couldn’t

5) Can the dog catch a ball now?

A. Yes they will.       B. No, they won’t.


6) What’s the dog’s name?

7) How old is the dog?

8) Can the dog help Jerry open the door?

9) Is the dog cute?

10) Does Jerry like his dog?


Write about your class rules, You can use the vovabulary below(为你们班制订


E.g:We should be kind.

Class Rules



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