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【摘要】我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了五年级上册英语暑假试题,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!

一、 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(10分)

( )1 .A.this B. thank C.that D.there ( )2. A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that’s

( )3. A.vase B.stand C.after D.father ( )4. A.puppy B.brush C.music D.puzzle

( )5. A.show B.flower C.brown D.down ( )6. A.red B.behind C. chess D. bed

( )7. A.ride B.ring C. with D.milk ( )8. A.home B.go C.come D. song

( )9. A.pig B.cow C.ribbit D. bird ( )10. A.food B.noodle C.rice D. bun


( )1. br th r __ _A. o,e B. e,o C. I ,o ( )2.ho y A .b,e B .b,b C .b ,d

( )3. h e A. a,v B. a,e C. t,e ( )4.s up A .o B. a C. e

( )5.h py A. a,v B. a,p C .p,e ( )6.te ch r A .a,a B. a,e C. e,a


( )1.What do you want ? A、No you can’t.

( )2.Can I borrow a ruler? B、at 7 o’clock. X Kb1. Co m

( )3. Do you want some rice? C、 No mobile phone

( )4. Do you have any hobbies? D、I’m eleven

( )5. Can I have a puppy? E、I do like an apple

( )6. What time do you get up? F、Yes, here you are.

( )7. What does that sign mean? G、Yes, please.

( )8.How old are you ? H、I like collecting stickers.

( )9.What’s your name? I、It’s yellow

( )10.What colour is this J、My name is Anne


( )1.—You have a nice coat. --________. A.Yes, it’s nice. B.Thank you C.OK. D.You’re right.

( )2. -- ___ he like music? -- Yes,he _____. A.Do; do B.Does;do C. Does ;does D. Do;does

( )3.—How much are these things?-- ____. A. Forty—five yuan B.Yes,they are. C.Here you are.

( )4.—Where’s Anne? -She __________ under the tree. A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has

( )5.Let’s buy some cards ______ our friends. A.for B.to C.of D.at

( )6.-- _____ in your box? --Some apples. A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s D.Which is

( )7.I have some ______ in the bottle. A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears

( )8.—What’s your mother ? --She’s __________. A.tall B.forty C.a driver D. fat

( )9.—What shape is the box? --It’s ____________. A. a heart B.yours C.red D.nice

( )10._____any newspapers in the reading room? A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are


1. What’s name your ? 2. Do want you rice some?

3. mother the My bed makes, 4. you What do get time up

5. I puppy Can a have? 6. much How that is cake ?

7. Which one you do want, a one or soft a one hard?

8、at picture the Look. 9、you Do to want have sweets?

10、many How there are in picture the ?


A: What do you have class on Monday? B: Who’s your English teacher?

C: What about you? D: What do you do on Mondays?

E: Do you like music class? F: What’s he like?

A:What day is it today?

B: It’s Monday.

A: _________________________________________?

B: We have English, Chinese, math and music class

A: ___________________________________ ?

B: No, I don’t. I like math.


A: I like English very much.

B: _____________________________________?

A: Mr Chen.

B: ____________________________________?

A: He’s tall and strong. He’s very funny. We all like him.


Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.

( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.

A. a city B. a small town C. a big town

( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office.

A. four B. five C. six

( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. free B. busy C. happy

( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden

( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.

A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps






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