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I. 判断下面划线部分字母读音是否相同,相同(√)不相同(×)。

( )1. fish ship ( )2.hill his

( )3. river right ( )4. boats birds

( )5. chair sandwich ( )6. fridgeorange

( )7. train tree ( )8. driver dress

( )9. peach China ( )10. pleasuresure

II. 根据图片写出有关教学设施的单词。

II. 英汉互译。

1. 小 学 _______________ 1. check my e-mail _______________

2. 中 学 ________________ 2. first floor _______________

3. 电脑教室 ________________ 3. TV room _______________

4. 艺术室 ________________ 4. go along this street _______________

5. 办公室 ________________ 5. second floor ________________

III. 单项选择。

1. _______ a big tree !

A. How B. Where C. What D. When

2. There _______ a school in the picture.

A. is B. am C. are D. be

3. There _______ 36 classrooms in our school.

A. is B. am C. are D. be

4. Is there a lab in your school? Yes, _______.

A. there is B. is there C. there are D. are there

5. It"s _______ the second floor.

A. in B. at C. on D. of

6. Are there _______ gardens in your school?

A. some B. a C. the D. any

7. _______ classes are there in your school? There"re 36.

A. How much B. How C. How many D. How"s

8. Practice makes perfect. It means_______.

A. 练习会让你变得完美。 B. 熟能生巧。

9. Are there any computers in your school? No, _______.

A. there are B. are there

C. there aren"t D. aren"t there

10. This way,please. It means_______.

A. 请这边走。 B. 这是一条路。

V. 在右栏中找到正确的答语并连线。

1. Is there a gym in your school? A. No problem.

2. Are there any trees in your school? B. Go along this street.

3. How many students in your class? C. There"re 55.

4. I want to check my e-mail. D. No, there isn"t.

5. How can I get there? E.Yes, there are.

VI. 连词成句。

1. Guangming where School is Primary (?)


2. me show around let you (.)


3. on floor second it"s the (.)


4. teaching is the building this (.)


5. show let you me (.)


VII. 找出错误并改正。

1. How can I get to there? ( ) __________

2. How many buildings is there in your school? ( ) __________

3. Where are they? In the teacher office. ( ) __________

4. Is there swimming pool in your school? ( ) __________

5. There is two music rooms in our school. ( ) __________

6. There are 8 rabbits on the foot of the hill. ( ) __________

7. I want check my e-mail. ( ) __________

8. Is there a basketball court? No,there is. ( ) __________

9. Let"s go take a look. ( ) __________

10. There is a tall tree in front my school. ( ) __________

VIII. 填写合适的单词,完成短文内容。

Look! This is my bedroom. In my bedroom, ____ ____ a bed,a desk and a chair. ____ ____ a beautiful lamp ____ the desk. ____ ____ pictures are there on the wall ? Two. What"s ____ the desk? ____ ____some books. Look! ____ ____ two balls under the bed. What"s ____ the floor? ____ ____ a toy car and slippers on it. Do you ____ my room? What"s your room like?

Unit 4 What a big school! 参考答案

I. √ √ √ × × √ √ √ √ ×

II. the teaching building playground a basketball court

library swimming pool

III. 1. primary school 2. middle school 3. computer room

4. art room 5. teachers" office 6. 查阅电子邮件 7. 一楼

8. 电视机房 9. 沿着这条街走 10. 二楼


V. 1---D 2---E 3---C 4---A 5---B

VI. 1. Where is Guangming Primary School?

2. Let me show you around.

3. It"s on the second floor.

4. This is the teaching building.

5. Let me show you.

VII. 1. get to there---get there 2. is---are 3. teacher--- teachers"

4. swimming pool---a swimming pool 5. is---are 6. on---at

7. want--- want to 8. is--- isn"t





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