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【摘要】要想学习好,死记硬背是远远不够的,多做试题是难免的,这样才能够掌握各种试题类型的解题思路,在考试中应用自如。下面请参考威廉希尔app 为您整理的“五年级下学期英语期中测试卷”,希望同学们对试题的练习能够使成绩突飞猛进的发展。


听 力 部 分

一、听音,选择你听到的词或词组,将其代号填在( )里。

( ) 1、A. because B. best C. birthday.

( ) 2、A. climb mountains B. cook dinner C. clean the room.

( ) 3、A. for B. four C. floor.

( ) 4、A. there B. they C. then.

( ) 5、A. on the table B. in the box C. on the desk.

( ) 6、A. plant trees B. play sports C. play the piano.

( ) 7、A. spring B. summer C. swim.

( ) 8、A. write a letter B. write a report C. write an e-mail.

( ) 9、A. eat breakfast B. eat dinner C. eight

( )10、A.moon B.noon C.room


( ) 1.What is ______ like? A. he B. his

( )2、John ______ fish. A. like B. likes

( )3、What ____ you have on Mondays? A. do B. are

( )4、_______ is your math teacher? A. what B. who

( )5、_______ you like onions? A. Do B. What


( ) 1、A. We have milk and bread for breakfast.

B. I like Wednesdays.

C. We have Chinese, English, math and music.

( ) 2、A. I like P.E.

B. He’s tall and strong.

C. Yes, I have a new English teacher.

( ) 3、A. Saturday B. fish C. Monday

( ) 4、A. I have fish and cabbage.

B. I’d like fish and cabbage.

C. I play computer game.

( ) 5、A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I don’t.

笔 试 部 分


1、wait say ( ) 2、hair hear ( )

3、pear dear ( ) 4、hear deer ( )

5、game have ( ) 6、white write ( )


( )1、bec__se A、 or B、 au C、 al ________________

( )2、b___thday A、 ir B、 re C、or _______________

( )3、un___e A、 on B、 vn C、cl ________________

( )4、p__no A、 io B、 ia C、oi _______________

( )5、m__ntain A、 ou B、 uo C、au _______________


去远足___________ 堆雪人______________ 看望外祖父母___________

吃晚饭____________ 种树 _______________ 四个季节______________

在二月___________ 放风筝 _____________ at noon __________

on the weekend ____________ June the third______________

New Year’s Day _____________ have music class _____________

my favourite food__________ play football with me ___________


A) National Day twentieth

twelve September the tenth

twenty October the first

Children’s Day twelfth

Teacher’s Day June the first

B) When does your father eat dinner? I am cooking dinner.

Why do you like summer? Because I can swim.

What do you do ? At 7:00

What are you doing? I watch TV.


( )1、Is your birthday on February? __________


( )2、He often watch TV at seven .___________


( )3、There’s some blue pens in it .___________


( )4、What’s your favourite seasons?____________



A、 What B、Which C、When D、 Why E、Who

( )1、_____do you get up ?

( )2、______do you do on the weekend ?

( )3、______season do you like ?

( )4、______do you like summer?

( )5、______is your art teacher?


1、you ,spring , like , do , best,(?)


2、have ,P.E., we , in ,class ,a , week,(.)


3、at, home, I, five , go , the, in, morning,(.)


4、like ,you ,why, winter ,do,(?)


5、date, is ,today, the , what,(?)



1、Anna has a new toy bear .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

______Anna ______ a new toy bear? No,_____ _____.

2、I get up at 6:30.( 对画线部分提问)

_____ ______ you get up?

3、Helen does her homework after supper.(改为否定句)

Helen _____ ______ her homework after supper.

4、They play sports after school .( 对画线部分提问)

______ ______ _______ ________after school?


( )1、I often ___my homework ___ 7:00 in the moring .

A、do,in B、does , at C、do , at

( )2、We have two Chinese ____ _____ Monday.

A、Class, in B、classes, on C、classs, at

( )3、____ do you get up in the morning ?

A、What B、 When C 、Which

( )4、What's the date today? It's November _____.

A、21th B、21st C 、21nd

( )5、My mother ____up at 6:00 in the morning.

A、get B、getting C、gets

( )6、Let’s ____a birthday card.

A、making B、make C、makes

十三、阅读短文,判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的打“∨”,不正确的打“╳”。(5 分)

My name is Hill. My favourite day is Tuesday, because I have computer, Chinese, math and music. I like music. We have green beans, carrots, cabbage for dinner.Green beans is my favourite food, but my friend Amy doesn’t like it. After school, I can play computer games and watch TV.

( )1. Hill and Amy aren’t friends.

( )2. Hill likes Tuesdays.

( )3. Amy likes green beans.

( )4. Hill has P.E. on Tuesdays.

( )5. Hill can’t watch TV after school.


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