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( ) 1、It’s English lesson.

A、 a B、 an C、the

( ) 2、Miss Li us about shapes?

A、 is teach B、 is teacher C、 is teaching

( ) 3、How birds can you see in the tree?

A、 many B、 much C、 more

( ) 4、My sister is good .

A、 at singing B、 in sing C、 in songs

( ) 5、I don’t know how a card.

A、 to make B、 make C、 to making

( ) 6、Are there any in the playground?

A、 child B、 children C、 childrens

( ) 7、Mike and I looking for Wang Bing.

A、 am B、 is C、 are

( ) 8、What’s with you?

A、 the wrong B、 the matter C、matter

( ) 9、What Mike have? He a pencil sharpener.

A、 do , has B、 does, have C、 does, has

( ) 10、Let me you how to make a cake.

A、to show B、 show C、showing

( ) 11、Is your new school than the old one?

A、more larger B、much larger C、many larger

( ) 12、I think school is better than .

A、ours;yours B、our;yours C、our;your

( ) 13、It is time school. Let’s be .

A、at;quick B、for;quick C、for;quickly

( ) 14、She feel well today. She ill.

A、isn’t;is B、doesn’t;is C、don’t;feels

( ) 15、It’s Sunday today. We go to school.

A、need B、want C、needn’t


1、Tom (look,looks) tired and sometimes he (sleep)in class. Look! He is (sleeping,sleep).

2、Jianmin is (old,older) than Yongxian.And Yongxian is thinner than Jiamin.

3、You should not (sleep,sleeping) in class.

4、Lucy (is,are) seldom late for school.

5、It is late. Let us (run,running) to school (quick,quickly).

6、You had better (stays ,stay) in bed for a day.

7、Who get up (early,earlier),you or your father?

8、Xiao ling studies (harder ,hard) than Jim.

9、Who speaks English (well,better), John or David?


(1) It is sunny(晴朗的). (2) We play football. (3) We play computer games after school. (4) It is Sunday. (5) I do.

A: What day is it today?

B: ________________________________________.

A: What is the weather(天气) like ?

B: ________________________________________.

A: What do you do on Sunday?

B: I go to a park with my classmates. _____________________ in it.

A: Do you play games?

B: Yes,_________________________. _________________________.


( breakfast, friend, get, music, , afternoon, home, pupil, dinner)

Hi, I’m Lisa. I’m a . I usually up at 6:50a.m.. Then I eat . I go to school with my best , Amy. After school we go at 4:30p.m.. We do our homework together. We have four classes in the morning and two classes in the . I like class, but Amy likes art class. I often play computer. I have at 6:20p.m.. I watch TV at 7:50. Then I go to bed.


It is a sunny day this Sunday. I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb mountains. That’s fun. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report says it’s going to rain next Sunday. I can’t climb mountains in the rain. I can’t go shopping either. So I want to read books at home.

( ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday?

A It is Sunday. B It is fine. C It is rainy.

( ) 2 What do you do on Sunday?

A I climb hills.

B I go hiking.

C I read books.

( ) 3 Can you climb mountains this Sunday?

A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t. C No, I’m not.

( ) 4 Do you go shopping on Sunday?

A Yes, I am. B Yes, I do. C No, I’m not.

( ) 5 What do you want to do next Sunday?

A I want to read books.

B I want to watch TV.

C I want to go shopping.




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