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六、Read and choose. 阅读理解。(8%)

Hello, I’m Susan. Look, this is my family photo. This is my mother. She is a teacher. Her birthday is in March. She likes going shopping. Her favourite season is winter. My father is a doctor. He likes winter best. His birthday is in September. He often climb mountains with his friends on weekends.Haha, this is me. I like summer best because I can eat ice-cream very much , and I can wear pretty skirts in summer.


( ) 1. How many people are Susan’s family?

A. Four B. Three C. Five

( ) 2. Mother is a _________.

A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse

( ) 3. When is father’s birthday?

A. In September. B. In April. C. In March.

( ) 4. Why does susan like summer?

A. Because she likes ice-cream.

B. Because she can wear pretty skirts .

C. A and B


( )1. Mother’s birthday is in Spring.

( )2. Father is a teacher too.

( )3. Father likes climbing mountain with his friends.

( )4.Susan’s favourite season is Winter.

附加题、Rearrange the following sentences. 连词成句。(10%)

1. season favourite My spring is.

2. from are Where you?

3. at eat I dinner six

4. snow I can with winter play in


一、1. I read English every day.

2. It’s warm in spring.

3. Summer is hot.

4. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for P.E.

5. When is your birthday? It’s Sept. 1st.

6. Mike likes playing the panio.

7. We can skate in winter. 8.There are forty chairs.

9. My uncle works in the eveing

10.Let’s play sports.

二、1. I get up at 6:30.

2. I go to school at 7:20.

3. I do morning exercises at 9 o’clock.

4. I do homework at 5:30.

5. I go to bed at 8:30.

三、1. I’m Sarah. I like spring best.

2. Mr. Black likes best winter best.

3. What’s your favourite? Mike?

I like fall. What about you,Zhang Peng?

I like summer best.

四、--Hi, Sarah. May I ask you ssome questions?


--When is your birthday?

--It’s is in July.

---Which season do you like best

--I like summer because I can fly kites.

--What’s your favourite food.

--I like grapes best.

--Can you play the vilion ?

--No, but I can play the panio.

--What do you do on The weekend?

--I often visit my grandparents every weekend

五、--What do you do on the weekend, John?

--I go hiking, climb mountain. What about you? Sarah?

--I visit my grandparents, play the panio and do homework.

And you, Mike?

--I go shopping with my mom and read English.What about you, Chen Jie?

--I wash clothes, go hiking and do homework.

六、1. Come to my home and we can watch TV together.

2. When do you go to school?

3. Which season do you like best?

4. When is your birthday ?

5. What do you do on the weekend

6. Why do you like spring?


二、6:30 7:20 9:00 5:30 8:30

三、spring winter fall summer


五、13 247 68 157



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