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人教版五年级下册英语第Unit 6 A Field Trip试卷



【编者按】为了丰富教师的生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了人教版五年级下册英语第Unit 6 A Field Trip试卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

人教版五年级下册英语第Unit 6 A Field Trip试卷


1.Mike正在做什么? What Mike ?

2.他正在看昆虫.He is .

3.他们在哪里? are they?

4.他们正在捡树叶. They are .

5.你正在吃午餐吗? you lunch? 不,没有. No, .

6.他们正在吃蜂蜜吗? they the ? 是的. Yes, .

7.John正在做什么? What John ? 他正在下象棋。He’s .

8.吴一帆正在写报告.Wu Yifan is .

9.他正在拍照吗? he ?

10.她正在数昆虫吗? She ?

11.他们正在抓蝴蝶吗? they ?

12.他正在做实验.He is .



1.找到be动词,提到句首。2. 首字母大写。3.句末加“?”

肯定回答: Yes, 主语+be动词 否定回答: No, 主语+be+not .

He is collecting leaves. Is he collecting leaves?

回答:Yes, . 否定回答: No, .

2. They are eating the honey. (改为一般疑问句) ?

肯定回答: , . 否定回答: , .



( ) 1.Where is John? ( ) 2. Is Mike writing a report? ( ) 3.What is Amy doing?

( ) 4. What do ants like to eat ? ( ) 5. Are they playing chess?

She is counting insects. B. He’s in the woods. C. No, they are collecting leaves.

D. They like to eat sweet food. E. Yes, he is.


am, is, are , do, doing

1. you watching insects ? 2. they counting leaves?

3. Zhang Peng taking pictures ? 4. Chen Jie is an experiment.

5. an experiment on me.


1. Is she writing a report?- . A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. Yes, she is .

2. What ants like to eat? A. do B. does C. are

3. We are doing experiment. A. a B. an C. these

4. Are the classmates a report? A. write B. writing C. writing

5. The children are doing an experiment ants . A. on B. for C. at

6.It’s time go . A. to B. for C. on

7. What do you do on weekend? ( )

A.I have English class. B、I usually visit grandparents.

8. What are you doing?. ( )

A.I am cook dinner . B、I am doing the dishes.

9. Can I speak to your Mon? Sure , please________.

A. hold on B. read a book.

10. What are you doing? ( )

A.I am reading a book. B. I can skate.

11.Are they reading English? --

A. No, he isn’t B. Yes, it is C. No.they aren’t .


1. are,an,We, experiment, doing .

2. writing , Amy, report ,a, Is .

3. doing , what, they ,are. .

4. pictures they drawing are .

5.insects, is ,counting, she ? .

6. the, eating, they, honey, are . .

7.Is, chess ,playing, John ? .


Welcome to the Children’s Centre. Happy Children’s Day! You can do many things here. Look at these people. They’re very active. This is Chen jie. She’s drawing pictures. Mike is watching insects. Amy is reading a story book. Wu Yifan is playing chess with a man. Who’s the man? He’s Mr. Black, Wu Yifan’s math teacher. He’s a smart man. John and Sarah are taking pictures. Where’s Bai Ling? Look! She’s over there, she’s writing a report on the Children’s Day. Her sister is singing and playing the piano.

( )1.Is Bai Ling singing?

A. Yes, she is . B. No, she isn’t.

( )2.What’s Mike doing?

A. He’s watching TV. B. He’s watching insects.

( )3.What’s the date?

A. It’s June 2nd .B. It’s June 1st .

( )4.What is Wu Yifan doing?

A. He’s playing chess. B. He’s playing sports.

( )5.What is Bai Ling doing in the Children’s Centre?

A. She’s singing and playing the piano. B. She’s writing a report.

以上就是人教版五年级下册英语第Unit 6 A Field Trip试卷全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    五年级英语试题


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