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【编者按】为了丰富教师的生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了PEP五年级下册英语第五单元试题及听力测试,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


Class_________ Name_________ NO._____ Mark________


一. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)

( )1. A fly B fight C flying

( )2. A eating B running C jumping

( )3. A swimming B climb C jump

( )4. A swinging B sleeping C swimming

( )5. A drinking water B climbing trees C drawing pictures

( )6. A answering the phone B listening to music C cleaning the room

( )7. A washing clothes B cleaning the room C cooking dinner

( )8. A What do you see? B What can you see?

( )9 A What is it doing? B What is she doing?

( )10 A They’re flying. B They’re fighting.

二、Listen and judge.听录音, 判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) 6. The rabbit is jumping.

( ) 7.The baby cat is sleeping.

( ) 8.The mother dog isn’t walking.

( ) 9. Two tigers are jumping together.

( ) 10.Koalas can climb.

三、听问句选出相应答句,把编号写在题前的括号里。 (10分)

( )1. A. Yes, it can. B. No, they can’t. C. Yes, they can.

( )2. A. No, I can’t. B. I can see three. C. I see three.

( )3. A. It’s jumping. B. She’s running. C. He’s jumping.

( )4. A. She’s sleeping. B. It’s sleeping. C. They are sleeping.

( )5. A. I’m doing the dishes. B. They’re watching TV.

C. He’s listening to music.

四、Listen and write. 根据录音内容填写句中所缺的单词,每空一词. (10分)

1. Look, the elephant is ______ _______. The rabbits are _________.

2. What ________ _________doing? __________ running.

3. _________ __________ in the lake.

4. Can tigers _________? Yes, they __________.


1. The nature park is big. ( )

2. The elephant is eating bananas.( )

3. The monkey is climbing a tree.( )

4. The tigers aren’t sleeping. ( )

5. The ducks are flying.( )



1. A: _____her birthday in June? B: No, she ______. Her birthday is in October.

2. A: ______ do you do morning exercises? B: I do morning exercises ____ 8:00.

3. A: _______ season do you like best?

B: I like __________. Sometimes it’s cold, but I can plant trees and the flowers are beautiful.

4. A: ______ is Zhang Peng doing? B: He’s _________ dinner.

5. A: _______ do you like fall? B: Because my birthday is ____ fall. I like summer ______.


1.____________________________ 2.____________________________

The panda is sleeping. I see two monkeys.

3.___________________________ 4._____________________

She’s jumping. They’re walking.


Yes, tigers can swim.


I want to introduce(介绍) two animals to you. They are Koala bears and Kangaroo. They live in Australia. Koala likes sleeping very much, they always sleep in the trees. They can sleep 20 hours a day. They are good climbers. They can swim too. Kangaroos like jumping, and they can jump very fast. Sometimes you can see baby kangaroos stay in their mother’s pouch(育儿袋) for months . They like to eat at night. They like to be quiet in the day. I like these two kinds of animals very much. Which animal do you best?

1 ( ) Koala bears live in_____. A China B Australia

2 ( ) Koala likes to sleep_____. A in the trees B under the tree

3 ( ) ______ are good climbers. A Kangaroos B Koala bears

4 ( ) Koala bears can ______. A swimming B swim

5 ( ) ________ like to eat at night. A Kangaroos B Koala bears


A. Can pandas swim? B. What are the pandas doing?

C. Yes, they can. D. What’s your favourite animal? E. No, I don’t.

F. What are you doing? G. No, they don’t.

A: Do you like kangaroos?



B: My favourite animal is panda. The baby panda is so cute.

A: Can pandas climb trees?

B: ______________________________________

A: _______________________________________

B: No, they can’t swim.

A: Look,_________________________________

B: They are drinking water.

十、 看图写话。介绍图中动物分别在干什么。(不少于5句话)(10分)



威廉希尔app 小学频道    五年级英语试题


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