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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了五年级英语第一学期期末成果展示,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


Class: Name:




1. Amy wash the clothes.

2. Sarah cook the meals.

3. Mike can clean the bedroom.

4. John do the dishes.

5. Alice can’t put away the clothes.

6. Ben do housework


This is room.There a bed,a desk,a closet and

Shelf.There two end tables the bed.The computer

is the desk. The books are on shelf.The trash

bin is the door.There is a mirror the bed.There are

dolls on the bed. There is a box the desk.There is

orange phone on the end table.There are many clothes

closet. I my room.It is very nice .



( )1.A.tomato B.pork C.eggphant D.lunch

( )2.A.from B.quiet C.thin D.smart

( )3.A.Friday B.month C.Monday D.Sunday

( )4.A.grape B.pear C.fruit D.orange

( )5.A.mom B.mummy C.mama D.mother

( )6.A.twenty B.twelve C.thirty D.forty

( )7.A.house B.building C.bridge D.nature

( )8.A.curtain B.bedroom C.kitchen D.bathroom

( )9.A.beside B.behind C.clothes D.over

( )10.A.run B.ill C.eat D.play


( )1.很,非常 A.ever B.every C.even D.very

( )2.星期天 A.Saturday B.Monday C.Sunday D.Tuesday

( )3.土豆 A.tomato B.potato C.pork D.tofu

( )4.A.第三的 A.three B.thirty C.thirteen D.third

( )5.A.垃圾箱 A.trash box B.trash bin C.trash table D.box

( )6.flower A.地板 B.鲜花 C.森林 D.新鲜的

( )7.grass A.草 B.地板 C.玻璃 D.班级

( )8.house A.马 B.停止 C.房子 D.老鼠

( )9.clean A.清晰的 B.聪明的 C.清 D.干净的

( )10.sour A.酸的 B.咸的 C.甜的 D.新鲜的


( )1.Are there any pandas in the mountains ?

A.Yes,there aren’t. B.Yes,there are.

C.No,there are. D.No,they aren’t.

( )2.Is there a lake in your park?

A.No,there is . B.Yes,there isn’t.

C.No,there is . D.Yes,it is.

( )3.Do you like this flat?

A.Yes,I do . B.Yes,I don’t. C.No,I do . D.Yes,I like.

( )4.Is it a nature park ?

Yes,it isn’t. B.I don’t know. C.No,it is. D.No,it isn’t.

( )5. ? I’d like some pork.

A.What do your like? B.What would your like ?

C.What would you like?

( )6.What’s your favourite food ?

A.Apple. B.Egg. C.Milk. D.Juice.

( )7.Do you have dumplings?

A.No,we don’t. B.Yes,we don’t. C.No,we do. D.Thank you.

( )8. ? It’s Sunday.

A.What today? B.What day is it today? C.What today is it day?

( )9.Is she strict?

Class: Name:

A.Yes,she is. B.No,she is. C.Yes,she isn’t.

( )10. ? He’s young and tall.

A.What’s he? B.What’s he like? C.Who is he ?

( )11.I have rice,fish tomatoes.

A.but B.and C.too D.so

( )12.What would you like dinner?

A.for B.in C.on D.with

( )13.Lily a new skirt. A.is B.has C.have

( )14.Have milk,please. A.some B.any C.drink

( )15.I can clean bedroom. A.a B.an C.the

( )16.I’d like to a try! A.has B.have C.do

( )17.In my room. I have air-conditioner .A.a B.an C.the

( )18.There are many in the river. A.fishes B.fishs C.fish

( )19.There isn’t rice. A.some B.any C.many

( )20.I a teacher. She a nurse.We friends.

A.an,is,are B.is, am,are C.are,is ,am



2.is, a,in, our,park,There, city ,

3.bedroom,this,Is,your,? ,

4.water, can, I ,flowers,the ,

5.do ,What ,you ,on, do, Sunday,? ,

五、判断下列句子正√误 ×。

( )1.Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in June.

( )2.In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October.

( )3.I can cook the meals.Remember to switch off the gas.

( )4.There are only 800 pandas in the world.

( )5.The baby panda is called a cub.It’s cute.

( )6.There are six days in a week.

( )7.There are twelve months in a year(年).

( )8.Our school is very big and beautiful.

( )9.In our school these are seventeen classes.

( )10.The picture is in the wall.


1.I’m your new music teacher.

2.She’s a university student.

3.I like Tuesdays and Thursdays.We have art class.

4.I want a new pair of sneakers.

5.The beef is too salty.I don’t like it.

6.My favourite food is rice and fish.

7.Chen Jie can sweep the floor and cook the meals.

8.Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June.

9.There are many books in our library.

10.There is a mirror on the wall.


This is a nice picture.The sky is blue.The cloud is white.The mountains are black.The grass and trees are green.The houses are red.The river is blue.The red apples are on the trees.A yellow bridge is over the river.The flowers are colourful.I like it very much.



威廉希尔app 小学频道     五年级英语试题


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