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Unit 5

1. open the door开门 2. write the new words写新单词

3. read the book读书 4. draw a picture画一幅画

5. drink the water喝水 6. this red vase这个红色的花瓶

7. in the picture在图片里 8. eat the noodles吃面条

9. put the flowers in the vase把花放在花瓶里 10. a tape recorder一个收录机

11. put the vase on the desk把花瓶放在课桌上 12. play computer games打电脑游戏

Unit 6

1.do housework 做家务 2. Sunday morning 星期天上午

3. at home 在家 4. Are you free now? 你现在有空吗?

5. sweep the floor 扫地、擦地板 6. clean the windows 擦窗户

7. do homework 做家庭作业 8. help me with my Maths 帮助我学习数学

9. this afternoon 今天下午 10. wash clothes 洗衣服

11. make a cake 做蛋糕 12. see you this afternoon 今天下午见

13. come and help me 过来帮我 14. sit on the chair 坐在椅子上

15. how about 怎么样


1.What are you doing? I’m sleeping.你正做什么?我正在睡觉。

2.What are you doing? We’re sweeping the floor. 你们正在做什么?我们正在扫地。

3.What are they doing? They’re running. 他们正在做什么?他们正在跑步。

4.What is she doing? She is walking. 她正在做什么?她正在散步。

5.What is he doing? He’s jumping.他正在做什么?他正在跳跃。

Unit 7

1. after school 放学后 2. three o’clock in the afternoon 下午三点钟

3. look for 寻找 4. excuse me 对不起

5. help you 帮助你 6. in the playground 在操场上

7. play basketball 打篮球 8. go and join them 去加入他们

9. go to the playground去操场 10. study in the library 在图书馆学习

11. clean the library 打扫图书馆 12. read a newspaper 看报纸

13. read a magazine 看杂志 14. read a picture book 读图画书

15. play chess 下棋 16. play cards 打扑克

17. play with a yo-yo 玩溜溜球 18. sit on a football 坐在足球上

19. run after 追赶 20. eat the food 吃食物

21. play a computer game 玩电脑游戏 22. clean the study 打扫书房

23. on the kite 在风筝上 24 . all busy 都忙

25 say goodbye to …. 跟…… 说再见


1.Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is.他正在看报纸吗?是的,他在看。

2. Is she drawing a picture? No, she isn’t. She is dancing.


3.Are they having an English class? Yes, they are.


4.Are they drinking the water? No ,they aren’t. They are drinking the tea.


Unit 8

1. a camping trip 一次日野营旅行 2. their teachers 他们的学生

3. near the hill 在小山附近 4. a camping site 一个野营营地

5. show their things to each other 互相出示他们的东西 6. a big tent 一个大帐篷

7. a tin of chicken 一罐头鸡肉 8. a tin of fish 一罐头鱼肉

9. over there 在那边 10. two new blankets 两条新毛毯

11. a box of chocolate 一盒巧克力 12. some fruit 一些水果

13. big ears 大耳朵 14. jump and run 又跳又跑

15. like our toys 喜欢我们的玩具 16. draw a face 画一张脸

17. a big mouth 一张大嘴 18. in the fridge 在冰箱里


1.You have a pot.你有一个锅。

2.What do you have? I have a towel.你有什么?我有一块毛巾。

3.What do you have? We have some flowers. 你们有什么?我们有一些花。

4.What do they have? They have three toy cars. 他们有什么?他们有三辆玩具小汽车。

5.What does he have?He has a tin of chicken. 他有什么?他有一罐鸡肉。

6.What does she have? She has a big tent. 她有什么?她有一个大帐篷。

Unit 9

1. an Art lesson 一节美术课 2. teaching about shapes 正在教关于图形的内容

3. learning how to draw them 在学如何画他们 4. look at the blackboard 看着黑板

5. fly a kite 放风筝 6. show us how to draw it 给我们看看怎么画它

7. come to the blackboard 到黑板这边来 8. draw a circle 画一个圆

9. the sun 太阳 10. the moon 月亮

11.on the paper 在纸上 12. make a card 做一张卡片

13.buy a New Year card for my friend 买一张新年卡给我的朋友

14.draw some trees and stars 画一些树和星星 15. many circles 许多圆形

16. show me how to make it 给我看看怎么做它



威廉希尔app 小学频道     五年级英语试题


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