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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学五年级英语抽测题型参考,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


1. 听每组的三个句子三次,将句子的大写字母编号写在相应图下的编号。(1*3*4=12%)

一些小孩在堆雪人。 两个男孩在雨中奔跑。 一个老太太坐在壁炉前烤火。

1) ( ) ( ) ( )

2) ( ) ( ) ( )

3) ( ) ( ) ( )

1) A. The boys are running in the rain.

B. The lady is sitting by the fire.

C. The children are making a snowman.


1)A. I feel hot and cold.

B. 34℃. Hotter than yesterday.

C. It’s summer.

What’s the temperature now?

3. 听句子三次,填空。 (1*8=8%)

1)My brother looks __________ than before.

My brother looks thinner than before.

4. 听短对话三次,根据对话选择答案完成句子。(1*7=7%)

1) The woman wants to eat ________.

A. hamburger B. pasta C. pizza

男:Which would you like, hamburger or pizza?

女:I prefer pizza.

5.听短文/长对话三次。判断下列句子内容与短文内容是否一致。如一致,在括号里写T, 否则写F。(1*5=5%)



Months A



A. January B. pizza C. March D. whale E. hamburger F. pasta

G. December H. bear I. spring J. summer K. snake L. crocodile

M. September N. October O. winter P. sandwich Q. chips R. autumn

S. lion T. May U. tiger

7. 根据实际情况回答问题。(1*5=5%)

1)How do you go to school?

8. 选择最佳答案填空。1*10=10%

1)__________ your mother go to work by car?

A. Do B. Does C. Are

2) I don’t like animals and I ______ go to the zoo.

A. usually B. must C. seldom



A. monkey ( ) You can read here.

B. library ( )It’s usually very hot in this season.

C. summer ( )An animal good at climbing trees.

10. 将所给句子或单词的编号填入对话和短文适当的空格处。1*5+ 1*5=10%

A. of course

B. You’re welcome.

C. Sorry?

D. Excuse me.

E. I’m lost.

F. Straight on

A: 1) ____________ Could you tell me the way to Baiyun Hotel?

B: 2) ____________

A: 3) _____________ Could you tell me the way to the bookstore?

B: _______________ Take the third right to Baiyun Hotel Road. Go straight ahead. Baiyun Hotel is on your left.

A: Third right, then 5.________. That’s easy. Thank you very much.

B: ___________ Good luck!(祝你好运!)

11. 根据中文将英文句子补充完整。1*5=5%

1)Please _________________ (上交)your homework tomorrow morning.

12. 阅读理解。(1*5+1*4=9%)

(I) 读短文,判断文后的句子内容与短文是否一致。

(II) 读短文,选择答案填空。

13. 以动物为主题写一段不少于30字的话。(5%)



威廉希尔app 小学频道     五年级英语试题


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