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六、 根据答句写问句。(10分)

1. ______________________________________?

The kangaroos are jumping.

2. ______________________________________?

No, it isn’t. The bear is sleeping.

3. ______________________________________?

Yes, I can see two monkeys. They are swinging.

4. ______________________________________?

It’s June 1st, our Children’s Day.

5. ______________________________________?

Because I can plant trees in spring.

七、 根据上下文的意思,补全下列对话。(10分)

Ken: ____________________________________?

Sue: I see two tigers.

Ken: ____________________________________?[

Sue: They are near the river.

Ken: ____________________________________?

Sue: They’re swimming.

Ken: ____________________________________?

Sue: Yes, they can really swim.

Ken: ____________________________________?

Sue: No, I can’t see any elephants.

八、 结合上下文和图画的意思在下面的短文的空格上填写适当的单词,将短文补充完整。(10分)

Look at the ________. There _________ many

animals here. The monkey is ____________.

The ________ are singing in the tree. The

elephants are __________ __________ by the

river. The kangaroos __________ __________.

Oh, look there, the little bear ______ ________

under the tree.

九、 作文:看图写一写图上的动物正在干什么,写5句话。(10分)





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