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4. I like swimming. (对划线部分提问)[

like ?

5. The boys can play the violoin. ( 对划线部分提问)

What the boy ?

七. 根据实际情况回答问题,注意回答完整(5分)

1. Can your father swim?

2. What animals do you like?

3. What’s in your classroom?

4. Do you like watching TV?

5. How many teachers are there in your classroom now?

八. 翻译句子(10分)

1. 门后有些伞吗?

there umbrellas the ?

2. 你会唱一首英文歌吗?

you English ?

3. 我的朋友们不喜欢老虎和跳舞。

My like and .

4. 他们卧室里没有毛衣了。

There any in .

5. 我们想要为他们做模型飞机。

We would like model for .

九. 阅读理解(10分)


Look at the picture on the wall. It’s a nice picture of a park. I can see a slide, three swings, some trees and a lot of flowers . How many trees can you see? Oh, I can see eleven. There are some birds in the trees. They are very lovely. I like the picture very much. Is this David’s picture? Sorry, I don’t know.

( ) 1. The picture on the wall is David’s.

( ) 2. The picture is very nice.

( ) 3. There’s a swing and three slides in the picture.

( ) 4. It’s a picture of a garden.

( ) 5. The birds in the trees are very lovely.


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