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A: Hello .

B: Hello .____________John ._________________________________?

A: Just fine .Dad ____________________ a letter . Brother is _________the room .Sister is _____________________ music .I _______________homework .[

B: ____________________ mom ? ___________________________?

A: Sure.Hold on please .She’s cleaning her car .Mom,________________.

Mom: I’m coming ._________________________________?

A: John .



1. I can ______(play / playing) football.

2. I usually _______(watch / watching) TV on the weekend .

3. I’m _________(do /doing ) the homework.

4. Look! Chen jie is __________ (draw /drawing) pictures.

5. Let’s _________ (eat / eating) lunch together .

四、根据答句写出问题。 1. A :___________________________?

B: I am writing a letter.

2. A: ___________________________?

B: I can do the dishes.

3. A:___________________________?

B: Yes, my father is cleaning the room.

4. A:____________________________?

B: I often read a book on the weekend .

5. A:_____________________________?

B: My mother often cooks dinner at 6:00.

五、阅读理解, 填空。

It’s Sunday today . It’s sunny. I go to a park with my parents. I am playing football with my father. Mother is flying a kite. A boy is flying a kites with his mother ,too. There are two students. They are playing games . A girl is jumping on the grass. Two women are watering the flowers.

1. My father is__________________________.

2. _______ is flying a kites.

3. Two students are ______________________.

4. ___________ are watering the flowers.

5. There are _______ people in the park.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    五年级英语试题


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