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( )5. arm is hurt.

A、Danny’s B、Dannys’ C、 Dannys D、 Danny

( )6.I want to buy gifts my family.

A、To B、for C、give D、at

( )7.Can you find the children cards?

A、play B、plays C、 playing D、 to play

( )8.The men and women are walking .

A、slow B、slowly C、quick D、quiet

( )9.The baby loud.It is crying loudly.

A、becomes B、become C、 bocoming D、 became

( )10.Can you go with us?

A、shopping B、shoping C、to shop D、 shops[


Jenny: How old is the Palace Museum,Liming ?

Liming: ________ __.

Jenny: That’s old.

Danny: I want to take a picture! ,Jenny?

Jenny: Sure.May I help you ?

Danny: No,thanks! .

Jenny: Poor Danny! Are you okay?

Danny: No! .

A、May I have your camera B、I hurt my nose

C、It’s about five hundred years old D、Cameras are easy

E、take a picture


( )1. Can Jenny fly a kite? A. It’s 3:00.

( )2.What’s this ? B.It’s Jenny.

( )3. May I take your picture? C.Yes,she can.

( )4.What time is it now? D. This is a camera.

( )5.Who is flying a kite ? E. Sure.


Beijing is the capital(首都) of China. It’s a beautiful city. There are many interesting places in Beijing. In Tian’an men Square. You can see the flag rising ceremony(升旗仪式) . You can go to the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace .You will have a lot of fun there. At last, don’t forget to go to the Great Wall. The Olympic Games was held in Beijing in 2008. Now Beijing become more and more beautiful. I hope one day I could visit it again.

根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Xkb 1.com

( )1.Beijing is a beautiful city.

( )2.You can see flag rising ceremony in Beijing.

( )3.The Palace Museum is in Shanghai.

( )4.The Olympic Games was held in Shanghai in 2008.

( )5.You can go to the Great Wall in Beijing.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    五年级英语试题


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