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A:__________________________________,Miss green?

B:I’m a nurse.


B:I go to work at 7:00.

A: __________________________________________?

B:I go home at 5:30 in the afternoon.[

A: __________________________________________?

B:I watch TV in the evening. Sometimes I read books.

A:Let‘s climb mountains together next weekend.

B: __________________________________________.

a. When do you go home?

b. Greet.

c. What do you do on the weekend?

d. What do you do?

e. What about you?

f. When do you go to work?

g. What do you do in the evening?


I’m Tim, I study in Pei Yin school. I don‘t go to school on the weekend. I get up at 8:00. I eat breakfast at 8:30. I often have bread and drink mike. On Saturdays morning, I often go to the library and read books there. I usually play football with my classmates in the afternoon. On Sundays, I often go hiking. Sometimes I go shopping. I have a good time every weekend.

( )1、Tim ____________ at 8:300.

A、eats breakfast B、eats lunch C、eats dinner

( )2、Tim has __________ for breakfast.

A、bread B、rice and soup C、bread and milk

( )3、Tim __________ in the library on Saturdays.

A、reads books B、plays football C、goes hiking

( )4、Tim often goes hiking on __________.

A、Saturdays B、Sundays C、Fridays

( )5、Tim usually plays football with _________.

A、his parents B、his friends C、his classmates


(football breakfast get worker morning lunch afternoon student enjoy eat piano have 7:00)

I’m a _________. I _________ up at 6:00 in the _________. I have _________ at 6:30. Then I take a bus and go to work at _________. I work in a big factory. I _________ lunch in the factory. I often _________ tomatoes and soup. I go home at 5:00 in the _________. I often play the __________ in the evening. I _________ my life.


(1)A: __________________________________________?

B: I often watch TV on the weekend.

(2)A: __________________________________________?

B:We have Chinese、English、match and science on Mondays.

(3)A: __________________________________________?

B:I have rice、fish and pltatoes for lunch.

(4)A: __________________________________________?

B:No, I don‘t go shopping on Sundays.

(5)A: __________________________________________?

B:I have English class at 10:00.

十、用英语写一篇小作文。题目:My weekend.(不少于5句,10分)



威廉希尔app 小学频道    五年级英语试题


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