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【编者按】亲爱的小朋友们,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了五年级上册英语期末试题,一起来做做吧!




(    )1、A、sweaterB、teacherC、meat
(    )2、A、brownB、snowC、yellow
(    )3、A、mouseB、cowC、coat
(    )4、A、eatB、sheepC、great
(    )5、A、tallB、classC、small


1、I like beef, because it’s .

2、 is the first day of a week.

3、My mother isn’t tall. She’s .

4、Peaches and watermelons are .

5、Mr Li is very old, he’s very active.

6、We have on classes on and .

7、Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is .

8、What’s her father ? He’s fat.

9、Mr Liang is our math teacher, we all like .


1、A: ?

B:We have fish and tomatoes.

2、A: ?

B:Today is Friday?

3、A: ?

B:I often play ping-pong on Sundays.

4、A:What would you like for dinner?

B: .

5、A: ?

B:My art teacher is Mr Ma.


( )1、What he do on Sunday?

A、do B、does C、is

( )2、What you like for lunch?

A、are B、do C、does

( )3、How many people are there your family?

A、in B、on C、with

( )4、What do you have Monday?

A、in B、on C、with

( )5、Tom fish very much.

A、like B、likes C、liking

( )6、I like apples very much, they’re sweet.

A、but B、and C、because

( )7、 time is it now?

A、How B、What C、When

( )8、What do you do on Sundays? I .

A、play violin B、play the violin C、plays the violin

( )9、It’s time lunch.

A、for B、to C、for have

( )10、Is she university student?

A、 a B、the C、an


What’s you aunt?

What’s your grandma like?

What’s the weather like today?

What do you have for dinner?

Do you watch TV at night?

Is Mr Zhao active?

I have beef and tomatoes.

She’s a nurse.

She’s old and kind.

Yes, he is.

No, I don’t.

It’s fine.


Zip:What’s your favourite food, Zoom?

Zoom:I like beef, but I’m heavy now. I have to eat vegetables. What about you, Zip?

Zip:I like chicken. It’s tasty. Do you like fruits, Zoom.

Zoom:Yes, carrot juice is my favourite It’s fresh and healthy.

Zip:I like fruits. But I don’t like strawberries. They’re sour.

1、Beef is Zoom’s favowrite food.( )

2、Zoom can eat a let of meat.( )

3、Zoom likes carrot juice because it’s fresh and healthy.( )

4、Zip likes strawberries because they’re sour.( )

5、Zip’s favourite food is chicken.( )





威廉希尔app 小学频道 五年级英语试题


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