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来源:互联网 编辑:sx_haohm


【编者按】亲爱的小朋友们,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了小学英语五年级(上)期末试卷,一起来学习吧!



( )1. A. BD     B. DB     C. BP

( )2. A. HA     B. HK     C. KA

( )3. A. ge     B. je     C. gy

( )4. A. xo     B. sv     C. uf

( )5. A. music    B. mouse    C. mother

( )6. A. lake    B. bridge    C. flower

( )7. A. look    B. cook     C. pork

( )8. A. black    B. bike     C. bathroom

( )9. A. Tuesday   B.Thursday   C. Sunday

( )10. A. bird    B. third    C. cloud


( ) What is this in English?

( ) Your teacher is tall and thin.

( ) What colour is it?

( ) Is there a river in the park?

( ) What would you lik for supper?


( )1.   are they?     A.What  B.Where  C.Who

( )2.We have English   Monday and Thursday.

A.on    B.in     C.at

( )3.Do you like    ?   A.grapes B.bread   C.fish

( )4.I can do    at home.

A homework B.housework C.dishes

( )5.The mirror is    the closet.

A Near    B under    C behind


( )1.A.. Its big and new B.Its my room. C.Its a panda.[

( )2.A.Its Sunday.   B.Its tasty.    C. My name is Sarah.

( )3.A.Bye.       B.Good morning.   C.Thank you.

( )4.A.Shes 10.    B.Hes a driver.   C..He’s from Canada.

( )5.A.No,I can’t.    B.Yes, I am .   C.No, there aren’t.  笔试部分(55分)


N    P     R     T

c    e     g     i    k


young   black   short    big   fat

small    thin    white   tall   old


( )1 A pencil B eraser  C ruler  D plane

( ) 2 A pork  B fruit  C chicken D fish

( ) 3 A window B hotel  C park   D school

( ) 4 A blue  B yellow  C picture  D green

( ) 5 A doctor  B sister   C driver  D nurse


( )1Do you have a football ?        a. It’s Saturday.

( )2 Can you wash the clothes?      b. Yes, we do.

( )3What is seven and four ?        c. No, there aren‘t.

( )4What day is it today?         d. Yes, I can.

( )5Are there any fish in the river?     e. .Eleven


(  )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:

A.  Goodbye, Mum and Dad.  B.  Good night, Mum and Dad.[

(  )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:

A. What’s this?  B. Can you spell it?

(  )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:

A. Clean the classroom, please. B.  Let’s clean the classroom.

(  )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:

A.What would you like?  B. How are you?  C. How nice!

(  )5.想问同学周末做些什么,你问:

A. What do you do on Sundays?

B. What’s your favourite ?

C. Today is Sunday.


A do homework

(     )

B water

the flowers

(     )

C sweep

the floor

(     )

D clean

the bedroom

(     )

E cook

the meals

(      )






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