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A.I took photos.   B.I went to Shangha .

(  )3.   oranges do you want?

A.How much.     B. How many.

(  )4.What’s the London Eye?

A.It’s a o’clock.  B. It’s a big wheel.

(  )5.When did you go there?                 .

A. Big Ben        B. It’s ten o’clock

(  )6.Did Lingling like the postcard ?

A. Yes, she does.     B. No, she didn’t.

(  )7.Do you live in Guilin ?               .

A. Yes, I do .        B. Yes, I am

VII. Read and tick or cross. (与短文意思相符的打“√”,反之打“×”。) (7%)

Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend .It’s very old and very long. They went there at ten o’clock in the morning. They went by bus to Badaling. Then they walked for one hour. There

were lots of people. They took photos of the mountains. Daming took photo of his father.

(  )1. The Great Wall is very old and very long.

(  )2. Daming and his Dad went by bus to Badaling.

(  )3. They went there at ten o’clock in the afternoon.

(  )4. They took photos of the mountains.

VIII. Look and write.看图写一句话。(2%)

(Yesterday )


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