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学校 班级 姓名 得分



( ) 1 A . horse B. house C. mouse

( ) 2 A . sing B. ski C. skate

( ) 3 A . work B. walk C. worker

( ) 4 A . kitchen B. chicken C. pumpkin

( ) 5 A . flower B. floor C. follow

( ) 6 A . telephone B. telescope C. tin-opener

( ) 7 A . car B. card C. cup

( ) 8 A . listen to the song B. learn the song C. sing the song

( ) 9 A . how much B. how many C. how about

( ) 10 A . small eyes B. small ears C. big eyes


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

三、根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语 (听两遍)6分

( ) 1 A . I like listening to music on Saturday.

B. Yes, I do. And I like listening to music, too.

C. No, I like watching TV.

( ) 2 A . He can play football, too.

B. He likes playing football, too.

C. Look! He is playing football with Mike now.

( ) 3 A . I’m reading in the library.

B. I’m looking for David. I can’t find him.

C. I like reading in the libray.

( ) 4 A . There are nine.

B. Yes, there are nine circles.

C. No, I can’t.

( ) 5 A . Perhaps they are.

B. Are they playing table tennis?

C. Shall we go and join them?

( ) 6 A . Good. Here’s a pig mask for you.

B. I see. You like big animals.

C. Good idea. Let’s go and see.

四、听录音,将下面的对话填写完整 (听三遍) 8分

A: Hello.

B: Hello. Is that_______ ?

A: Yes. Hi, Yang Ling. Good afternoon.

B: Good afternoon, Helen. Are you_______ now?

A: No. I’m _________ a __________ _________ . It’s interesting.

B: I’m ________ _________ _________ . It’s so hard. Can you come and help

me with my ___________ ?

A: Sure. How about _________ ____________?

B: That’s fine. Do you _______ my new house?

A: No, I don’t.

B: My house is 24 Xihui Garden. It’s ________ Xihui Park. And my telephone

number is __________________ .

A: I see. See you __________ ___________ .

B: See you soon.


一、翻译下列词组 20分

1、在学校学习 ____________ ____________ ____________

2、需要一些纸 ____________ ____________ ____________

3、在街上走 ____________ ____________ ____________ street

4、打扫书房 ____________ ____________ ____________

5、下课后 ____________ ____________

6、喜欢看报纸 ____________ ____________ ____________

7、和我的小狗一起玩 __________ __________ __________ __________

8、许多孩子 __________ _________ __________ __________

9、给我们看看你的新书包 _______ _______ _______ _______ ________

10、help each other ___________________________________

11、play cards together ___________________________________

12、run after the rabbit ____________________________________

13、how to draw the pictures __________________________________

14、teach the students Maths ___________________________________

二、根据句意,选择括号中合适的词语填空,不重复使用 8分

A (there is, there are, have, has )

1 Does Liu Tao _________ a blanket?

No. But he ________ a towel.

2 What’s in the basket?

_______________ some bread. And _____________ two tins of chicken, too.

B ( look at, read, watch, see)

1 Can you ___________ this storybook for me? Sure.

2 How many birds can you _________ in the tree? Four.

3 ____________ the blackboard, please.

4 Don’t _________ TV now. Time to go to bed.

三、选择题 10分

( ) 1 There aren’t __________ swings in the school. So we can’t play on

the swings.

A. some B. any C. a

( ) 2 — I’m very thirsty.

— ________ some juice for you.

A. Here’s B. Here’re C. They’re

( ) 3 The boy _______ dance, but the girl can.

A. can B. can’t C. don’t

( ) 4 Wang Bing is _________ his keys. He can’t open the door.

A. seeing B. finding C. looking for

( ) 5 Ben is playing basketball. Let’s go and join ________ .

A. he B. his C. him

( ) 6 Tom ________ a toy car. His parents ________ two cars.

A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have

( ) 7 They don’t go to school ________ Saturday and Sunday.

A. in B. on C. at

( ) 8 I have a toy lion. It has ___________ .

A. long hair B. big ear C. small nose

( ) 9 — How many triangles are there in the picture?

— There are ____________ .

A. four B. five C. six

( ) 10 This T-shirt is thirty-eight yuan. I give one hundred yuan to the

shop assistant (营业员). How much is my change?

It’s _________ yuan.

A. thirty-eight B. sixty-two C. thirty-two

四、从II栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句 10分



( ) 1. Are there any songbooks on the piano? A. They are drawing.

( ) 2. Are your parents at home? B. Yes, there are.

( ) 3. Where are Mike and Helen? C. No, they aren’t.

( ) 4. What are they doing? D. They need some masks.

( ) 5. What do they need? E. They are in the garden.



( ) 1. It is four o’clock in the afternoon. A. Let’s buy some masks.

( ) 2. It’s Halloween tomorrow. B. Why don’t we make one?

( ) 3. It is the first day of the new term. C. Great! Let’s start.

( ) 4. Let’s buy a New Year card for our D. The students are happy to

teacher. see each other again.

( ) 5. Shall we sing this song first? E. Classes are over.

五、连词成句 5分

1 cake, good, the, very, looks

__________________________________________________________ .

2 mouse, is, mouth, in, cat’s, the, there, a

__________________________________________________________ .

3 them, go, their , Maths , you , and , can , help , with

__________________________________________________________ ?

4 is, Mr Green, students, about, teaching, shapes, his

__________________________________________________________ .

5 door, Tom’s, is, umbrella, behind, the

__________________________________________________________ .

六、看图完成下列对话,每空一词 12分

1 A: Where’s Lingling?

B: She’s ________ the __________ .

A: What is she __________ ?

B: She’s _______________ .

2 A: Are there any _________on your

National flag(国旗)?

B: Yes, there are.

A: How many?

B: _________ _________ .

3 A: Look! _______ Jim ________ a model plane?

B: No. A model ship.

4 A: These are my toys.

B: Oh, how lovely. The panda is ________ and

the monkey is _______ .

Your toys are _______ very nice.

七、阅读理解,选择正确的答案 5分

It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. She’s making apple pies. The pies are very delicious(美味的). Mr Brown isn’t in the living room. He is outside(在外面). He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after(照看)it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Sue?She’s in her bedroom with her friend, Ann. They are watching the Animal World.

( ) 1 There are _____ people in Mr Brown’s family.

A. six B. four C. two

( ) 2 Mrs Brown is __________________.

A. watching TV B. cooking C. eating apple pies

( ) 3 Mr Brown looks after _____very well.

A. his daughter B. his family C. his car

( ) 4 Who are playing outside? _______________ .

A. Mrs Brown and Sue B Some boys C Sue and Ann

( ) 5 Sue and Ann are ____.

A. watching TV in the living room B. playing football in the garden

C. watching TV in Sue's bedroom


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