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1. forest bridge delicious between sunday

2. there are so many pictures here.

二、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)10分

( ) 1. I _____ helpful, he ______ helpful, too.

A. is, am B. am, is C. am, are

( ) 2. What do you do ______ the weekend?

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 3. Do you often play football _____ here?

A. on B. at C. /

( ) 4. What would you like _______ eat?

A. to B. for C. with

( ) 5. We _______ beef noodles and fish today.

A. has B. have C. do

( ) 6. I’d like some ___________ for lunch.

A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes

( ) 7. What ________ you do for the party?

A. do B. can C. is

( ) 8. Today we’ll learn ____ kung fu, can you do ______ kung fu?

A. any, some B. some, some C. some, any

( ) 9. I can play ____ ping-pong, but I can’t play _____ pipa.

A. / , the B. the, the C. the, /

( ) 10. There ______ big bed and some toys in the room.

A. are B. is C. am


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

A.We have maths on Thursdays.

B.I’d like a humburger, please.

C.She can dance.

D.I love English.

E.My mother can cook.

F.My favorite food is salad.

G.I’d like two sandwiches, please.

H.She is listening to music.

I.Ice cream is sweet.

J.He can swim.

( )


( )1. What’s your math teacher like? A. Yes,she is.

( )2. What can you do? B . We have Chinese.

( )3.Is she polite? C. I like beef.

( )4 .What do you have today? D. I can cook.

( )5.What’s your favourite food? E. He’s thin and short.

五、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子是否正确,相符的括号内写“T” , 不相符的写“F”,10分

Hello! My name is Mike.I’m strong.I’m very fuuny. I like English very much.Miss Liu is my new English teacher.She is kind and beautiful.My favourite day is Tuesday .We have English on that day.I can speak English and sing English songs.

( ) 1.Mike is funny.

( ) 2.. Mike likes Chinese very much

( ) 3.. Miss Liu is kind

( ) 4.. Mike’s favourite day is Friday

( ) 5. Mike has English on Tuesday .

I have a new flat. There is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in it. Come and have a look at my bedroom. There is an air conditioner over the desk. There is an end table and a closet near the bed. And there is a picture over the bed. I have a trash bin behind the door. I empty the trash every day. Look! What’s under the desk? There is a chair. I love my bedroom. I clean my bedroom on Sundays.

( )1.There are two end tables in my bedroom.

( )2. There are four rooms in my home.

( )3. The chair is under the desk.

( )4. The door is behind the trash bin.

( )5. I clean my bedroom on weekends.



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