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1、I have lunch at 12:00.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ do you have lunch?

2、Can I help you?(同义句)_______ _______ I do _______ you?

3、My favorite food is dumplings.(同义句)

=_______ is my favorite food.

= I _______ dumplings _______.(同义句)

4、I want to by a T-shirt.

I _______ _______ to by a T-shirt.

5、My aunt is from Australia.(同义句)

My aunt _______ _______Australia.


1、 play too don’t computer many games (.)

____________________________________ ____

2、 help I my often mother do the dishes (.)

________________________________ ________

3、 what drink your is favorite (?)

___________________________________ _____

4、is supermarket there near a here (?)

_________________________ _______________

5、speak can a little she English (.)

_______________________________ _________


A: ________________ _______

B: Yes? Can I help you?

A: Is there a supermarket near here? ____________ ___________


A: _________ ______________ then?

B: Go along the street and you can see a hospital on the left.

________________ _______

A: Thank you.

B: ________________ _______


These are my friends. Alex comes from France.He is young. He is short and strong. Willy is from the USA. He is short and strong, too.Mandy looks short and thin. And Susan is tall and thin.I’m tall and thin, too.My name is Jason. We all like music.

( )1、Where does Alex come from?

A. China B. The USA C. France

( )2、Who is from the USA?

A. Mandy B.Willy C. Alex

( )3、Where is tall and thin?

A. Susan B. Jason C. A and B

( )4、What does Mandy like?

A. Sport B. Music C. Art

( )5、Who is short and strong?

A. Alex B. Willy C. A and B


1、 What time do you get up?_______________________

2、 What is your favorite food?______________________

3、 What can you do at home?_______________________

4、 Can you speak a little English?_______________________

5、 Where are you from?_______________________


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