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( ) 1. A. under B. beside C. behind D. for

( ) 2. A. duck B. cow C. children D. rabbit

( ) 3. A. Australia B. China C. Canada D. English

( ) 4. A. pretty B. short C. beautiful D. nice

( ) 5. A. factory B. shop C. kitchen D. library


1. 一个动物朋友______________ ______________ friend

2. 在房子前面 in ______________ of the ______________

3. 读故事 ______________ ______________

4. 喜欢游泳 like ______________

5. 许多工人 a ______________ of ______________

6. 坐在河边 ______________ ______________ the river

7. 在椅子中间______________ the two ______________

8. 擅长跳舞be ______________ at ______________

9. 早早地醒来 ______________ up ______________

10. 没手没脚 ______________ no ______________ or ______________

11. 给她发份邮件 send an ______________ ______________ her

12. 和我兄弟看电影 ______________ ______________with my brother

13. carry an umbrella _________________

14. grow some roses __________________

15. Western countries _________________

16. fold a card _______________________


( ) 1. My bedroom is on _________ floor.

A. two B. second C. the second

( ) 2. My mother is a _________. She has a lot of students.

A. worker B. teacher C. nurse

( ) 3. My mother usually _________ on the Internet.

A. chatting B. chats C. chat

( ) 4. — What _________ Yang Ling like?

— She likes _________ stories.

A. do, write B. does, write C. does, writing

( ) 5. He swims _________.

A. very good B. very well C. very much

( ) 6. — What _________ your grandparents do?

— They are farmers.

A. do B. does C. are

( ) 7. Helen likes blue. I _________ like it, but my sister _________.

A. also, either B. don’t, don’t C. also, doesn’t

( ) 8. — How many desks _________?

—There are two.

A. are there B. do we have C. are they

( ) 9. Can you _________ some sweets _________ me?

A. buy, for B. send, for C. buy, to

( ) 10. _________ is very popular in the UK.

A. Table tennis B. Basketball C. Football


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