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Ⅰ: 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语 (5分)

( C ) 1. play football (B ) 2. forest (C ) 3. help

(A ) 4. watch (C ) 5. Saturday

Ⅱ:听音,与你所听一致的画“√”,不一致的画“×”。 (5分)

Robin is a robot. He is short but strong. He is really clever. He can speak Chinese and English. He is strict, too. 答案: × × √ √ ×

Ⅲ:听音,选答语 (5分)

1. Who’s your Chinese teacher. 2. What do you have on Monday?

3. What would you like to eat? 4. What can you do?

5. Is there a river in the park? 答案: B A B A A

Ⅳ:听音,写单词,完成下列句子 (5分)

In front of the mountain, there is a small village. Robin lives there. He can play basketball. He watches TV on Thursday.


Ⅰ: √ × √ × √

Ⅱ: B C D A C

Ⅲ: 1.去划船 2.没问题 3.在天空上 4. 画卡通画 5. 下周二

6. do kung fu 7. delicious 8.tall buildings

9.hard-working 10. sing an English song/ sing English songs

Ⅳ: 1. helpful 2. any 3. make 4. mice 5. lots

Ⅴ: C A A B D A D A B C

Ⅵ: B D E C A

Ⅶ: 1. Do you often read books in this park? 2.What can you do for the party?

3. The computer is on my desk. / My computer is on the desk.

4.There are so many pictures . 5.Your room is really nice !

Ⅷ: E B A C D/ E B D C A

Ⅸ: (A) F T F T F (B) B A A C B


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