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1.  chopsticks / do / in / use / England / you / ?

2.  use / knife / we / a / fork / and / .

2.  hard / they / for / Chinese / are / people / .

3.  eating / I’m / and / chips / hamburgers / .

4.  doing / are / what / you / ?

5.  are / we / making / Mum and Dad / a cake / for / .

6.  Amy / the / playing / is / flute / .

7.  noodles / I / like / .

8.  she / what / using / is / ?

9.  and / go / instead / a cake / make / .


1.  People use ______________ (a knife and fork / chopsticks) in England. (刀叉)

2.  I’m eating a _________ (hamburger / noodles) and chips. (汉堡)

3.  Do you want some __________ (noodles / rice)? (面条)

4.  We are making a _______ (rice / cake) for Mum and Dad. (蛋糕)

5.  I’m ____________ (listening / listen) to music. (正在听音乐)

6.  She is _____________ (plays / playing) the flute. (正在吹笛子)



English have English fast food. Chinese have Chinese fast food, too. Chinese use chopsticks but English use a knife and fork. Anna is from England,but she likes Chinese fast food. Look, she is eating noodles with chopsticks. They’re hard for her. Jack is from England, too. He likes English fast food. But he doesn’t use a knife and fork. He often has chips and hamburgers.

(   )1. English use ______ .

A. a knife and fork     B. chopsticks

(   )2. Anna likes ______.

A. English fast food    B. Chinese fast food

(   )3. Jack likes ______ .

A. English fast food    B. Chinese fast food

(   )4. ____ doesn’t use a knife and fork.

A. Anna                 B. Jack

(   )5.Jack often eat ______ .

A. rice                 B. hamburgers and chips

(二)Today is Saturday. Daming and Lingling are at home. They are making noodles for Mum and Dad. But they are very naughty. They are making lots and lots of noise(噪音). Dad is working and Mum is tidying the room. “Please, be quiet, children. Dad is working. Please go to your room.”

Now, Daming and Lingling are in their room. Daming is playing the drums. Lingling is playing her flute. Oh, no! The noise is bigger(更大声).“Children, please go and make noodles instead”Mum says.


1. Daming and Lingling are making a cake for Mum and Dad. (    )

2. Daming and Lingling are very naughty. (    )

3. Dad is reading books. (    )

4. Mum is tidying the room. (     )

5. In their room, Daming is playing the drums. Lingling is playing her flute. (     )


p_ _ _ _ _ (复) 人们     i_ _ _ _ _ _ (代替)    u _ _ (使用)   h _ _ _ (困难的) e _ _ _ (容易的)

 i _ _ _ (主意)    f _ _ _ (叉)    k _ _ _ _ (刀)     h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (汉堡)   c _ _ _ (蛋糕)


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