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(   )1. These              cannot help people.

A. fireman       B. firemen      C. eat

(   )2. This man is blind .He cannot

A. see      B. hear     C. eat

(   )3. Can we        a dog ,please?

A. has     B. having     C. have

(   )4.A little dog helps         .

A. his      B. he      C. him

(   )5.-Can you swim?     -           .

A. Yes, I can.       B. No, I can        C. Yes, I can’t.

(   )6.Here         your dinner.

A. am     B. is     C. are

(   )7.This dog             the little boy.

A. help    B. helping     C. helps

(   )8.This man is blind. He         see.

A. can       B. doesn’t         C. can’t

(    )9. She can’t hear. This dog helps             .

A. she       B. her       C. him

(   )10.-Can we have a dog. Mum?  -No,              .

A.we can        B.I can’t    C. we can’t


1. girl ,  deaf  , is  ,This  .

2. cat  , a  , Can  , I  , have  ?

3. little  , walk  , girl ,This  ,can’t .

4. mother  , helps ,Their , them  .

5. is  , There  ,a  ,dog  ,TV , show  , about   .


例句;This man can’t see . This dog helps him.

1.This little girl                        .

Her mother                            .

2. This boy                             .

His friend                           .

3. This boy                            .

A  nurse                            .

4. This old man                        .

A kind girl                         .

5.This girl                        .

Her friend                      .

6. This little girl                    .

 Her mother                        .


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