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期中考试渐渐向我们走来,加紧复习是眼下最重要的事情。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了五年级上册英语期中考试训练题,希望大家一定要多多练习。



( )1.A.class B. glass C. dress

( )2.A.horse B. house C. mouse

( )3.A.wing B. swim C. swing

( )4.A.shout B. show C. short

( )5.A.lesson B. listen C. leg

( )6.A.head B. have C. hair

( )7.A.Canada B. Australia C. China

( )8.A.on the bed B. beside the bed C. under the bed

( )9.A.on the back wall B. on the wall C. on the front wall

( )10.A.my parrots B. my carrots C. my parents


( )1.A.She can skate. B. He can skate. C. He likes skating.

( )2.A.There’s a study. B. There’s a house. C. There are some trees.

( )3.A.It’s on the table. B. They’re on the table. C. It’s for breakfast.

( )4.A.Yes, it does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, they do.

( )5.A.It has two legs. B. It has four legs. C. It has no legs.


( )1.This is bedroom.

A. Lily’s B. Lucy’s C. Lily and Lucy’s

( )2.We can see desk(s) in the bedroom.

A. one B. two C. three

( )3.We can see_ on the wall.

A. flowers B. a kite C. a family photo

( )4.Some are on the chairs.

A. books B. schoolbags C. pencil boxes

( )5.Where is the kite ?

A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s near the flowers. C. It’s near the bed.

四、听录音,完成填空。( 10分)

1. I can . I like too.

2. Dogs have four and a short .

3. are some in the room.

4. there any in the bottle ?

No, there isn’t. There is some .


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