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1. second(基数词)__________  2. their(同音词)__________

3. soft(反义词)__________  4. watch(三单式)__________

5. dance(动名词)__________


1.第二层________________________    2.擅长________________________



7.害怕 _____________________________ 8.带他参观___________________

9.a hole in the ice______________________10. in winter ________________

七、 单项选择20分

(     )1 There is ___________umbrella behind the door. ______ umbrella is nice.

A.an;The       B.an; An       C. a ; The     D. the;An

(     )2 He cannot see________pies at the snack bar.

A.some        B.any          C. a          D.no

(     )3 _______ is popular in China.

A.Coffee      B. Tea         C.Milk       D. Juice

(     )4 Mike likes________ table tennis. He can________well.

A.playing;play  B. .playing;playing  C. play;playing  D. play;play

(     )5 The cakes are too_______. Do you have any soft ones?

A.small       B.soft       C.hard      D.white

(     )6 His hobby is ___________.

A.reads books  B.reading book   C.read books  D.reading books

(     )7 It has _____legs _______arms.

A.no;and      B. some;or      C.no;or      D.any;or

(     )8 There are two cats under the tree. One is fat and __________is thin.

A.the other     B.other       C. the one        D.one

(     )9 _________ only four years old,but ______ animal friend is eight.

A.He’s ; his     B. He’s; he’s    C. She’s;she’s    D. She;her

(     )10 There ________ some rice in the bowl.

A.is          B.are           C.has          D.have

(     )11 There aren’t ________ table tennis rooms in the building.

A. a     B. some     C. any

(     )12 The library is on ________ floor.

A. three        B. third     C. the third

(     )13 Liu Tao can’t ________.

A. sing       B. sings        C. singing

(     )14 A: What does Helen ________?

B: She _______ a pretty dress.

A. have;has  B. has;have     C. has;has

(     )15 Don’t ________ the door.

A. to open       B. opening   C. open

(     )16 There are some trees ________ the farm.

A. in       B. on    C. at

(     )17 Nancy’s animal friend ________ jump and run.

A. do     B. does   C. can

(     )18 We have ten ________.

A. finger     B. fingers    C. arms

(     )19 There ________ an English book, two storybooks and four exercise books in the bag.

A. are     B. is    C. have

(     )20 Let ________ go and see.

A. we     B. us    C. our


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