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期中考试即将来临,同学们想要在期中考试中取得好成绩,就需要多做题。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了五年级英语第一学期期中检测题,希望对同学们的复习有所帮助。



(    )1.A. cut           B. bus          C. class

(     ) 2. A. with          B. table        C. make

(     ) 3. A. beef          B. drink        C. clean

(     ) 4. A .may          B. many        C. play

(     ) 5. A. water          B. wash       C. would


1.late(反义词)                     2. help(形容词)

3. have(现在分词)               4. can’t(完整形式)

5. too(同音词)                  6. Every day(翻译)

7. knife(复数形式)                8.want(单三形式)

三、在横线上填上单词所缺字母。( 8分)

1.k_ if _  (小刀 )                   2. Ch__ __a ( 中国 )

3.w_sh the cl_ _ hes(洗衣服)           4. w_ll(墙)

5.g_v_ (给)                         6. be_ _(最)

7.co_e  _n (进来)                   8. d_sh (盘;餐具 )


1. wash the clothes___     2. cook the meal_  _   _

3.Chinese food__      _  4.That´s all right___

5.water the flowers___     6.洗餐具________

7.玩电脑游戏 ______  8. 整理床铺_____  _

9.用右手使用筷子_____ 10.扫地________


(   )1.Look       the clock on the wall.

A. for        B. to        C. at        D. In

(   )2. What        your favorite food?

A. be        B. am       C. is        D. are

(   )3. What      Liu Yang do after school?

A. are     B. is          C. do         D.dose

(    )4.- Who      meals in your home?

A. cooks B. cook  C. cookes

(    )5.-Can you help me          the table?

A. cleaning  B. to clean   C. clean

(    )6. They are having dinner          .

A.  happy  B. happily   C.happyly

(    )7. I can’t use chopsticks           .

A. good     B. well    C.better

(    )8. -A woman     buy some hamburgers.

A. want   B. wants for   C. wants to

(    )9. –Please pass           a knife.

A. I    B. my    C. me

(    )10. Use the fork           your left hand.

A. to   B. with  C.of


1.have  they  lunch  for   noodles

2. hand  use  with  your  the  chopsticks   right

3. breakfast  Where    you  do  often   have

4.don’t  too  computer play  much  games.

5.time   you   run   what   do

七、用所给单词的适当形式填空 (6分)

1、Who ____(sweep)the floor ?

2、Let ____(he) help you .

3、What ____(are)your favorite food ?

4、We're happy ___(be)helpful.

5、He likes ___(hamburger)very much.

6、Peter uses it____(good)


1.I go to school at seven twenty.(对划线部分提问)

do you  go to school?


I       wash the clothes,but let me          !

3.Can you water the flowers,liShan?

__           _ ,I___                 __. (做肯定回答)

_            __,I____                __.(做否定回答)

4. Chocolate is my favorite. (对划线部分提问)

favorite food?

九、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( 10分)

Tom and Fred are student .They are both twelve years old, and they are in the same class.

One day, they have a fight in class, and their teacher is very angry. He says to both of them ,“Stay here after the lessons this afternoon , and write your names a hundred times,”

After the last lesson ,they begin to write their names. The teacher looks at him and says, “Why are you crying, Fred?”

“Because his name is Tommy, and my name is Frederick Hollingsworth.” Fred says.

(      ) 1. Fred is ten years old.

(      ) 2.Tom and Fred are brothers.

(      ) 3. The two boys have a fight in class.

(      ) 4. The teacher asks them to write their names ten times

(      ) 5.Fred's name is longer than Tom's 

热点推荐:五年级期中试卷及答案 |  五年级期中各科考点






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