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七、 选择适当的译文。(每小题2分,共10分)

( A )1.When did you come back?

A. 你什么时候回来的? B.你到哪儿去了?

( B)2. How many bananas do you want?

A. 你想要香蕉吗? B. 你要多少香蕉?

(B )3.There are ten pencils in the blue box.

A. 蓝色的盒子里有多少铅笔? B. 蓝色的盒子里有十支铅笔。

(B )4. Sam took my T-shirt.

A. 萨姆想要我的体恤衫. B. 萨姆拿走了我的体恤衫.

( A )5.What did you do at the weekend?

A.你周末做了什么? B. 你周末要做什么?

等级 评卷人

八、 对话配对。(每小题2分,共10分)

( B ) 1. Where did you go? A. We bought some apples.

( D ) 2.Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt? B.We went to the British Museum.

(A )3. What did you buy? C. Four apples.

( E ) 4. How did you go there? D. No, I didn’t.

( C ) 5. How many apples did your mum say? E. By bus.

等级 评卷人


1. you, did , back, come, when ?

When did you come back?

2.food, need, for, we , our, picnic

We need food for our picnic.

3. bananas, you , did, how many, buy

How many bananas did you buy?

4. go, did, you, where

Where did you go?

5. dropped, my, ice cream,I

I dropped my ice cream.

等级 评卷人


Yesterday was Saturday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach(海滩)with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball(排球) on the sands(沙滩). We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired(疲乏的), but happy.

( B )1.Yesterday was ______ . A. Sunday B. Saturday

( A )2. The weather was _____. A. sunny B. windy

( B )3. I got up at ____. A. 7:00 B. 7:30

( B )4.I went to the beach with ______. A. Peter B. Alice

( A ) 5. We played volleyball _____. A. on the sands B. in the sea

等级 评卷人

十一、同学们,这学期我们学习了购物的知识,请以“Shopping”为题写一遍小作文。(50字左右, 共20分)

提示:开头—— It was a fine day.

中间:1.购物时间—I went to the supermarket + 时间。

2.购物地点—The supermarket is…

3.购买物品—I bought + 物品名称。

4.费用— I spent…yuan.

结尾—抒发感情——I was very happy.







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