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1 Don’t push___________(he/him)! It’s too___________ (high/heavy).

2 There is a river between the ___________(hill/hills).

3 Mike’s dog ________(have/has)eight legs.

4 Look, there is some _____________ (hamburgers/bread) on the table.

5 I like ___________(shopping/shp). My brother likes it,____________.(too/also)


1 My brother can swim very_____________(好).

2 You are _________ (这么)heavy.

3 Elephants have big __________(身体).

4 The two pictures on the wall are ______________(都) beautiful.

5 The rabbit ___________(有) a short _____(尾巴).

6 I ________(不)like dancing now. I _________ (不会) jump.



( )1.Let’s go and play football A.I like Chinese, Maths and Art.

( )2. Where are the cakes? B.You can have some cakes.

( )3.Do you have an animal friend? C.It’s Monday.

( )4.I’m hungry, Tina. D.It has four.

( )5.How many legs does a dog have? E.I like skating.

( )6.What do you like doing in winter? F.I can play the piano.

( )7.What a beautiful skirt! G.They’re in the fridge.

( )8.What day is it today? H.Thank you!

( )9.What subjects do you like? I.Yes, I do. I have a fish.

( )10.What can you do? J.That’s a good idea.


I have a picture of my school. There is a new building in the middle if the picture. There are many flowers and trees near the building. There’re twelve classrooms in it. There’re twenty-four desks for the students and one desk for the teacher in every classroom. Besides the building, there is a big playground. There are some boys and girls on it. They’re playing happily.

There are some houses next to the building. They are our library and reading rooms. How many windows are there in every reading room? Four. So it’s bright. Now some students are reading. We like our school very much.


( )1. I have a picture of a new classroom.

( )2.There is a new building in the school.

( )3.There are twenty-five desks in every classroom.

( )4.Our library is near the new building.

( )5. There’re four windows in the building.

There are many kangaroos in Australia and they are not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside(外面) the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos are also very good at looking their babies. They eat grass, leaves(叶子),roots(根) and some flowering plants(植物). Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.


( )1. There are many kangaroos in _________.

A. the cities B. Australia C. the towns D.pockets

( )2.Kangaroos are good at ________________.

A.jumping B.dancing C. running D.singing

( )3.Kangaroos rest ______________.

A.with their legs B.on their tails C.with their feet D.on their legs

( )4.__________ keeps the babies safe in the pockets?

A. Mother kangaroos B.Father kangaroos

C. Brother kangaroos D.Sister kangaroos

( )5.Kangaroos eat_________________.

A.roots B.leaves C.grass and flowering plants D.A,B and C







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