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(   ) 1. A. cow                      B. cute

(   ) 2. A .big                       B. body

(   ) 3. A. table                      B. tired

(   ) 4. A. horse                     B. lion

(   ) 5. A. sock                      B. thin


(   ) 1. A .There are three brown monkeys.  B. There are seven yellow tigers.

(   ) 2. A. The monkey isn’t strong.        B. The monkey is strong.

(   ) 3. A. We like basketball.             B. We like football.

(   ) 4. A. Let’s sit down.                B. Let’s sing a song.

(   ) 5.A.This is my hand .              B. This is my nose.


(    )     (    )     (    )     (    )     (    )



(   ) 1. A .snake              B. giraffe         C. hot

(   ) 2. A .shoe               B. table          C. shirt

(   ) 3. A .football            B. horse          C. basketball

(   ) 4. A. small              B. shorts         C. thin

(   ) 5. A. strong             B. sing           C. dance


A            B            C               D             E

(    )1.--Let’s play football.  --Good idea!

(    )2.The snake is very long.

(    )3.Look at the pink pig.

(    )4.This monkey is thin.

(    )5.This is your ear.


(   ) 1.--Where is my pen?   --________.

A. It’s in my bag.         B. There are three.

(     ) 2.It’s _______egg.

A. an                  B. a

(     ) 3.The giraffe is very______.

A. long                B. tall

(     ) 4.--Are they small?       --____, they are.

A. No              B. Yes

(    ) 5.--Let’s go swimming.    --________

A. Thank you.         B. Good idea.


1. So many animals at the zoo.

2. The elephant is very big.

3. There are some books on the desk.

4. Let’s put on our shirts.

5. The boy is under the tree.


(   )1.当你想说那儿有一位警察时,你会说:_______

A. There is a horse over there.      B. There is a policeman over there.

(   )2.当你想问别人看见多少种动物时,你会说:_______

A. How many animals can you see?    B. How many cats can you see?

(   )3.当你想告诉别人:“这是我的衬衫。”时,你会说:_______

A. This is my shirt.                B. This is his shirt.

(   )4.当你想说有一双红色的袜子时,你会说:_______

A. There’s a pair of blue shorts.      B. There’s a pair of red socks.

(   )5. 当你想说动物园里有两头大象时,你会说:______

A. There is a cat in the tree.       B. There are two elephants at the zoo.

六 、阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(每题2分,共10分)

There are lots of animals in the zoo. There are five monkeys. They are thin. There are six horses. They are brown. There are ten lions. They are big. There are eleven birds. They are in the tree.

(   )1. There are ______monkeys in the zoo.

A. four           B. five         C. six

(   )2. The horses are________.

A. brown         B. yellow      C. white

(   )3. --How many birds?     --________.

A. ten            B. five        C. eleven

(   )4. There are _____lions.

A. seven            B. ten         C. twelve

(   )5. --Where are the birds?  --They are ________.

A. in the tree       B. on the table     C. under the tree

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