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1 (    )  A place    B please    C parent

2 (    )  A ticket    B click     C stick

3 (    )  A building  B amazing  C email

4.(    )  A men     B man    C women

5.(    )  A take    B tied    C told

6 (    )  A shoulder  B another   C theatre

7 (    )  A carry     B history   C busy

8 (    )  A draw     B drew     C drove

二 听音标号听2遍

(    )                       (    )                      (    )

(    )                           (    )                          (    )

三 听音选自恰当的答语

(    ) 1 A We will see lots of stones.        B We will eat sausages.

(    ) 2 A We are going to see Stonehenge.   B By car.

(    ) 3 A No,it isn't.               B Yes, I  did.

(    ) 4 A She’s a nurse               B It’s a computer

(    ) 5 A Of course, I will.               B Here you are.

四 听音完成句子

1.I ________  you  a   maths game.

2. I played on the ________

3 The actors ________lots of jokes.

4  After the ______, we went to the restaurant.

5 Last week we went to a children’s ________



1.My grandpa was a flute _________(演奏者) before.

2.My favourite _________ (季节)is spring.

3. She had eggs and _________(香肠) for lunch.

4. I  can play with the  _______(雪)in winter.

5. Stonehenge is a very old _________(地方).

6. I ________(提,背) my school bag on my back.

7.You can ________(借) books, videos and CDs in English libraries.

8.It will take three  ________(小时).

9.I  ________(绘画,画)a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.

10.The  ________(男人) wore women’s clothes..


(      )1. He _________ a driver before.    A. is        B. was      C. were

(      )2. He worked in  office.  A. a   B. an     C.

(      )3. I _______ eggs and sausage for breakfast yesterday.

A having  B has  C had

(      )4.I can carry this bag  __________ my back.A. at   B. to    C. on

(      )5. I ________ to the theatre last night. A go  B going  Cwent

(      )6.How will you get to the zoo?

--_________ bus.

A. At      B. To      C. By

(    ) 7.Did you read your book?  Yes, I ______.    A do  B did  C do

(    ) 8. We laughed a ______.A. lot    B. much    C. many

(    ) 9. I ______ a letter from a friend.

A. has got  B. have got    C. have get

(    ) 10. Will it be windy ______ New York?A. in    B. on     C. at


Last Saturday we  ___________(go) to a park. We ___________(see) many trees and flowers there. They __________(be) very beautiful. We __________(have) a picnic there. We ___________(eat) cakes and fruits. And we __________(drink) water. Then we ___________(play) football in the park. We __________(take) many photos. We __________(laugh) a lot. We ____________(be) very happy.


1 The,  women’s,  men,  wore,  clothes,______________________________

2  you   Will   help   me  ?_______________________________________

3 I    be   will    home   at    seven    o’clock  .___________________

4.put,   in,  bag,  your,   What,  did,   you,____________________________

5 .use, You,  can,  a  computer.__________________________________


A. 阅读短文判断对错

Look!This is Fangfang’s family.There are five people in her family.This is her grandpa.He was a teacher before.But now he is retired( 退休的).Sometimes he writes something for newspaper.So he is a writer now.Her grandma is a housewife(家庭主妇).Her father is a bus driver.Her mother was a nurse before. But now she is a doctor.Fangfang is astudent.She’s in Class 1,Grade 5.She studies hard.She’s a good student.

(   )1. Fangfang’s  grandpa is a teacher.

(   ) 2. Fangfang’s  grandma was a nurse.

(   ) 3. Fangfang’s  mother is a doctor.

(   ) 4.Fangfang is in Grade 1.

(   ) 5. Fangfang’s father was a bus driver.


I’m Linda. Last summer I went to Brighton with my parents. We went there in June. I played on the beach. I visited very old buildings. I made a new friend there. Her name is Luch. I will write to her.

(    ) 1. When did Linda go to Brighton with her parents?

A. Yesterday    B. Next year    C. Last summer

(    ) 2. Where did she play?

A. In old buildings    B. On the beach    C. Her home

(    ) 3. What did she visit?

A. Her new friends    B. Her grandma    C. old buildings

(    ) 4. What is her new friend’s name?

A. Amy    B. Lucy    C. Linda

(    ) 5. Who will Linda write to?

A. Her teacher    B. Her parents    C. Her new friend

六 .作文


My favourite season



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