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(    ) 1.spring           A.春天        B.季节       C.夏天

(    ) 2.morning          A.下午        B.中午       C.上午

(    ) 3.May              A.五月        B.三月       C.六月

(    ) 4.write a letter   A.写报告      B.写信       C.写电子邮件

(    ) 5.swing            A.游泳        B.荡秋千     C.跑步


1.s__mmer(夏天)     2.M__ __ch(三月)     3.sw__m(游泳)

4.w__ __k(散步)     5.pi__t__re(照片)    6.sk _ te(滑冰)




(   )1.— When do you get up this morning?

— ____________________.

A.At  6:30  B.On  Monday  C.What about you?

(   )2._____ about you?

A.How  B.Where  C.Why

(   )3.Mike: What’s your favourite season?

Dongdong:  __________.

A.Swimming  B.Fly kites  C.Fall

(   )4.There are ____ seasons in a year.

A.two  B.there  C.four

(   )5.I like winter, because I can play ____ snow in winter.

A.and  B.with  C.or

(   )6.What do you do ____the weekend?

A.on          B. in         C.at

(   )7._____season do you like best?

A.Which        B.What        C.How

(   )8.Kate ____ playing chess.

A.am          B.is         C.are

(   )9.Can I speak ___John?

A.for        B to         C.on

(   )10.--- ___ they taking a picture?

--- Yes, they are.

A.Am         B.Is           C.Are

四、 用所给的词语或短语填空。

John: What       you see?

Mike: I see two      .

John: What are they      ?

Mike: They              water.

John: Can you see the      ?

Mike: Yes, it             .


(    ) A.He is in the woods.

(    ) B.Where is Zhang Peng?

(    ) C. Yes, he is. They are playing toghter.

(    ) D. Is he taking picture?

(    ) E. No, he isn't. He is playing chess.

(    ) F. Is John playing chess, too?


(   ) 1.When is your birthday?                A.I am reading a book.

(   ) 2.What are you doing now?  B.Because I can swim in the sea.

(   ) 3.Which season do you like best?   C.It’s swimming.

(   ) 4.Why do you like summer?            D.My birthday is in May.

(   ) 5.What’s the fish doing?               E.I like summer best.


1.What  you  on  do  the  weekend  do (?)

2.I  summer  like  best (.)

3.What  the  date  is (?)

4.the  monkeys  doing  are  What (?)

5.When you do up get (?)


1. Zhang Peng is m________ a snowman.

2. I often p_______ sports with my friends.

3. In spring, we can f______ kites.

4. When's y______ birthday?

5. W______ season do you like best?



It’s summer. Zoom and Zip swim in the lake. They are happy. “I like summer,” says Zip. “Why do you like summer?” asks Zoom. “ Because I can swim in the lake.”

It’s fall. Zoom and Zip go hiking. They eat a lot.

Winters comes. Zoom and Zip don’t skate. They sleep.

Spring comes. Zoom and Zip wake up. They fly kites. “I like winter,” says Zoom. “Why do you like winter?” asks Zip. “ Because I can sleep a long time.”

(   ) 1.Zoom likes summer.

(   ) 2.Zip likes winter.

(   ) 3. Zoom and Zip wake up in spring.

(   ) 4.Zoom and Zip sleep in winter.

(   ) 5.They swim in the summer.

(   ) 6.They can sleep a long time in fall.

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