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()1. A. better      B. big    C.  heavy

()2.  A. mine       B.  yours    C. them

()3.  A. ate      B.   find     D. learnt

()4.  A. Maths  B. English   C. television

()5. A. hamburger  B. sandwich C. traditional

二、英汉互译: 20分。

1、在机场  _______                 2、讲英语_______      3、在三周时间内_______

4、在晚上_______                 5、在办公室  _______     6、在中国的北部_______

7、试穿这一个______       8、对、、、很容易_______      9、在书架C上______



(     )1.—_____ did you come back?   —We came back last Sunday

.      A. Where      B. When          C. Why

(     )2. —Whose dress is this?  —It’s ____.

A. my         B. mine          C. he

(     )3. Do you want to be_____ our football team?

A. at          B. in              C. on

(     )4. —Can you control the ball?   —________________.

A. Thank you  B. Very badly, sorry  C. You are welcome

(     )5. She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday .

A. bought      B. buy          C. buys

(     )6. I can’t swim _____.

A. at         B. at all             C. good

(     )7. —______ does school start?  —At nine o’clock .

A. What     B. What time     C. Where

(     )8. These chicks can’t______.

A. eat          B. eating           C. ate

(     )9. This girl is deaf. She can’t _______.

A. see          B. hear          C. walk

(     )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball.

A. at          B. in              C. of

四、从II栏中选出I栏各句的相应答语    10分

(   )1.Did you learn music?                             A.It’me .

(   )2.Who is going to go to the airport?            B.She had hamburgers.

(   )3.How did you go ?                                  C.At ten o’clock.

(   )4.What did she have for lunch?                   D.By bus .

(   )5.When are you going to go there ?              E.Yes,I,did.

五、连词成句: 20分

1. you  for  trip  Are  ready  your  (?)


2. Are  feeling  you  hungry  (?)


3.be  right  will  It  all (.)


4. you  are  go  going  to  Where  (?)


5. you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? )



1.  判断正误。对的填(T),错的填(F)

This  morning  my  father  bought  some  milk  for  us .  My  sister  doesn’t  like  milk , and  she  gave  her  milk  to  me .  I  didn’t  drink  them . I  will  drink  them  tonight .

My  sister  is  a  very  good  girl .  We  are  good  friends .  She  studies  very  hard .  And  all  of  us  like  her  very  much .  She  wants  to  be  a  teacher .

(    )1.Father  bought  us  some  milk .

(    )2.I  gave  my  milk  to  my  sister .

(    )3.I  drank  my  milk .

(    )4.My  sister  studies  very  hard .

(    )5.My  sister  wants  to  be  a  doctor .


Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted to buy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour. The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a small one. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. So they took it.

(   ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week?

A. A department store.    B. A supermarket.      C. Amy’s school.

(   ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy.

A. coat       B. T-shirt      C. dress

(   ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour?

A. Black.      B. White.      C. Blue.

(   ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy.

A. small     B. big     C. nice

(   ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat.

A. black     B. white      C. blue

七、作文, 10分。


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