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(     )  1、h   d          A.ur        B.or       C. ar

(     )  2、hamb   ger     A.er        B.ur       C. ar

(     )  3、st dy          A.a         B.o        C.  u

(     )  4、ex   ted       A.si        B.ci       C. sa

(     )  5、li r ry        A.b,a       B.a,b      C.b,e


(     )  1、A.football       B.basketball        C.horse

(     )  2、A.small          B.shoe              C. heavy

(     )  3、A.sandwich       B. breakfast        C.lunch

(     )  4、A.gave           B.learnt            C.climb

(     )  5、A.she            B.us                C.him

3) 单选题。

(   )1. Yao  Ming  is  very  good     basketball  in  china.    A. in    B. for   C. at

(   )2. The  girl  is  deaf . She  can`t        .                A. hear  B. see   C. find

(   )3. I  get  up         half  past  seven .                  A. in     B. to   C. at

(   )4. Do  you  want  to         chess ?           A. think     B. make     C. play

(   )5. You  should  look , then        road .         A. cross     B. walk      C. run

(   )6. Yesterday  I  lost  my  bag . I  feel      .    A. happy    B. hungry     C. sad

(   )7. You are back              China.             A. from     B. in        C. to

(   )8.          did you go to school yesterday.        A . What  B . How  C. How many

(   )9. How many           do you need?           A. apples    B. pear    C. milk

(   )10. Let's buy one kilo         noodles.           A. of       B. for      C. off

(   )11. They walked             one hour.          A. about     B. with     C. for

(   )12. I get up     seven o”clock     the morning.     A. at ; in   B. at ; on    C. in ; on

(   )13. -         did you go?  - At eight o”clock.     A. When   B. How     C. Where

(   )14. That's       cap. It isn't    .         A. mine ; yours   B. her ; his   C. yours ; my

(   )15. We”re got enough        everyone.       A. for       B. with      C. in

(   )16. There         not enough time.          A. is        B. are        C. has

(   )17. Life was very different        China many years ago.   A .of   B. at   C. in

(   )18. Why is she              these clothes.      A. wear    B. wearing    C. wore

(   )19. Amy             got a bag with wheels.     A. have     B. has      C. had

(   )20. His mum and grandma          Chinese.     A. are       B. am      C. is

(   )21. Thank you for              us.             A. tell       B. tells    C. telling

(   )22. I’ve got         email from Sam.             A.a         B.an      C./

(   )23. They had eggs and milk        breakfast.      A.for       B.on        C.in

(   )24. He’ll       home at seven o’clock.            A. is       B.was       C.be

(   )25. Beijing is       the north of China.            A.on       B.in        C.to

(   )26. Is Line A the         as Line B?              A.longer     B.long     C.same

(   )27. Daming    a dragon kite for Simon last week.    A.buy       B. buys     C.bought

(   )28. Let’s      an e-card to Mum.                  A.send      B.sent    C.sending

(   )29. There        not any telephones thirty years ago.  A.is       B. are    C.were

(   )30. Yesterday Mum cooked a     food for me.     A.China   B.Chinese   C.Chinese's



许多年前 _____ __     ___     在炉火上 ________    __     归还 _________        _

去图书馆 ________            click on ______       ____     the same as _____       _

骑马 _________         _     at the office _____       _      find out____          __


learn(过去式)________       easy (反义词)________   teach (现在分词) ______   __

these (单数形式)________    us (主格)_______    _   put (过去式) ____       ____


1. Where did you go last month?              A. Here you are.

2. Where’s Da Lian ?                       B. Becauce I don’t like it.

3. Let’s send an E-mail to Dad.               C. That’s a good idea.

4. Why don’t you eat it?                     D. It’s in the north of China.

5. Can I have your library card,please?          E. I went to England.


( )1.你应该对我的朋友说你好

A You  should  say  hello  to  my  friend..

B You  should  say  my  friend  hello..

( )2.你在想什么?

A How  are  you  thinking  about ?

B What  are  you  thinking  about ?

( )3.在英国他们在9点开始上课

A They  start  school  at  9  o`clock.

B They  walk  to  school  at  9  o`clock.

( )4.这位老人不能坐下

A This  old  man  can`t  sit  down .

B This  old  man  can`t  stand  up .

( )5.你能很好地接住球吗?

A Can  you  catch  the  ball  well?

B Can  you  control  the  ball  well ?

( )6.在这个包里有太多的苹果

A There  is  too  many  apples  in  the  bag

B There  are  too  many  apples  in  the  bag


1.你应该抓住我的手。               You  should         my  hand .

2.今天我赢了一场象棋比赛。         Today  I         a  chess  game

3.电视对我们非常有用。             TV  is  very         for  us .

4.他们想参加我们的足球队。         They  want  to  be  in  our  football         .

5.我的毛衣很干净。                 My  sweater  is        .

6.我们需要一些苹果。               We       some  apples .



Yesterday  my  father  and  I  went  to  the  park . On  the  road  we  saw  a  lot  of  people . There  was  a  donkey (驴子) in  the  middle (中间) of  the  road . It  didn`t  go  . The  cars  and  buses  can`t  go , too.

Then  a  policeman  came . “Whose  donkey  is  this ?” He  asked . “It`s  mine .” said  a  farmer . “ But  I  can`t  let  it  go ” The  policeman  and  the  farmer  moved (推动) the  donkey, but  they  can`t  let  it  go. “Give  it  carrot(萝卜) ” My  father  said . “ That`s  OK.”  said  the  farmer . Soon  he  bought  some  carrots  and  took  them  to  the  donkey . When  the  donkey  saw  the  carrots , it  jumped  up  and  walked  after  the  farmer . All  the  cars  and  buses  can  go  at  last(最后)

(   )1. I  went  to  the  park            .

A. with  my  friend     B. my  father      C. Sam

(    ) 2. Father  and  I  saw            .

A. some  animals      B. some  flowers   C. a  donkey

(    ) 3. The  buses  cars  can`t  go  because            .

A. The  donkey  was  in  the  middle  of  the  road

B. The  policeman  can`t  let  them  go .

C. The  farmer  were  not  on  the  road

(    ) 4. The  donkey  was            .

A. mine         B. the  farmer`s  C. the  policeman`s

(    ) 5.             took  some  carrots  to  the  donkey . .

A. My  father    B. I             C. The  farmer,


Dear Mum and Dad, I’m in New York now. I arrived yesterday. Grandma and Cousin Simon met me at the airport. It was very exciting. We went in a yellow taxi to their flat. New York is very beautiful. There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people. Everyone speaks English. Grandma made Chinese food for me. But I want to try American food. I want to find out about America. I will write again soon. From, Daming

(    )  1、Daming is_____now.

A. at the airport       B. in China       C. in New York

(    )  2、Daming went to their flat______ .

A. by taxi          B. By plane       C. by bus

(    )  3、There are ______ buildings, cars and people.

A. no           B. many             C. Some

(    )  4、Everyone speaks _______ .

A. Chinese       B. Japanese            C. English

(    )  5、_______ made Chinese food for Daming.

A. Grandma       B. Cousin Simon        C. Daming

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