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(    ) 1.A. see     B. meet      C.green     D. eraser
(    ) 2.A.know      B.now     C.flower   D.how
(    ) 3.A.bike     B.fine      C.behind      D.different
(    ) 4. A. too        B .book      C. moon      D. school
(    ) 5. A. why       B. whose     C. what       D. when
(    ) 1.We usually stay home        Saturday afternoon.
A.at;in      B.at;on    C.in;at   D.on;on
(    ) 2. _____ your brother _______ his holidays in Beijing next years?
A. Is … going to spend            B. Is … spending 
C. Do … spend                  D. Does … spend
(    )3. ___________ nice the watch is !
A. What       B. What a         C. How         D. How a (    )4.Mr. Wang and his students       a lesson now.
        A.are having    B.had     C.have   D.are have
(    )5.—      Yang Ling like football?    Yes,she      .
        A.Does;does   B.Do;do   C.Do;does  D.Does;do
(    )6.—What      under the bed?  一There are some footballs.
        A.are       B.is      C./   D.were
(    )7.Look,the boy can      .
        A.skating      B.skate     C.skates   D.is skating
(    )8.—Do you like       chess?    —Yes,I do.
        A.playing      B.plays     C.play    D.played
(    )9.The man       a book in his hand is my uncle.
        A.and       B.of      C.with    D.for
(    )10.Who’s the lady      blue?
         A.in       B.on      C.at    D.with
(    )11.All my      to my birthday party last night.
         A.friends came  B.friend came C.friends come  D.friend come
(    )12.The Walkman is in       Su Hai’s pocket.
          A.the      B./      C.a    D.that
(    )13.—Here’s a card for you. Happy birthday! —       .
         A.Thanks     B.No, thank you  C.Yes,please  D.OK
(    )14.—What day is it today? 一        
         A.It’s February 10.      B.It’s a Wednesday
         C.It’s fine.     D.Friday.
(    )15.      your new sweater       me,please.
         A.Show;to      B.Give;for C.Have;for  D.Shows;to
    1.they(宾格)                          2.read(过去式)                   
3.have(第三人称单数)               4.my(名词性物主代词)            
5.white(对应词)                    6.learn(过去式)                   
7.big(反义词)                      8.spring(下一季节)               
9.ate(原形)                        10.drive(过去式)               
2. you,what,would,like,to,eat(?)  _______________________________________________________________________                                                                   
3.told  The  lots  jokes   of   actors   ( . )
4.be  seven  I  o’clock   will  home   at   ( . )
_______________________________________________________________________                                                                 __
5.your  favorite  What’s  season   (? )
  1. The boys like to listen to music when they do ______   (they) homework.
  2. One day, Mr Green asked Mrs Green ______   (go) shopping for him.
  3. We would brush our           (tooth) twice a day.
  4. She is ______   (good) than Alice at swimming.
   5. Janet ______   (get) up at 7:30 a.m. every day, so she is always late for school.
1.   A: Bob wants to go to the market.   
B: Why?  
A: He wants to                 coat.
2.   A: Danny wants to go to the            . 
B: Why?
A: He wants to see               .


Peter is a primary school pupil. He is a good boy. Uncle John lives next to him. Uncle John has no child and he can’t see anything. He works in the factory near Peter’s school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Peter goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle John in the afternoon. On weekdays Peter gets up early to take Uncle John to the factory. After school he takes Uncle John home. On Sundays Peter helps Uncle John clean the house and do some cooking. Uncle John thanks Peter very much. He says, “Peter is a good boy. He is like my son.”

(    )1. Peter gets up early to ______.
      A. go to school   B. run   C. help Uncle John   D. cook
(    )2. Peter doesn’t take Uncle John to the factory on ______.
      A. weekdays   B. Sundays   C. Mondays   D. Wednesdays (    )3. Peter helps Uncle John clean the house ______.
A. from Sunday to Saturday   B. on Wednesday 
   C. on Mondays            D. on Sundays
(    )4. School is over at ______.
      A. 3:30   B. 4:30   C. 5:00   D.7:00
(    )5. Which is right?
     A. Peter likes Uncle John.   B. Peter is Uncle John’s son.
     C. Peter looks like Uncle John’s son.   D. Peter looks like Uncle John.

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