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3.单元       (     )         (     )            (     )
5. 单元  
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II. Choose the word you have heard. 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子,并看到供选择的A、B、C三个单词或词组,找出你所听到的句子中提到的那个单词或词组。
(     ) 1. A. ten          B. twelve           C. eleven
(     ) 2. A. Britain    B. Russia     C. France
(     ) 3. A. Cathy   B. Bob     C. Carl
(     ) 4. A. friend      B. friends       C. teachers   
(     ) 5. A. sing        B. dance        C. dancing   
(     ) 6. A. city        B. country        C. Happy City     
(     ) 7. A. please       B. pleased          C. Nice
(     ) 8. A. What        B. How          C. Where
(      ) 1. A. clever    B. smart   C. active   D. good-looking 
(      ) 2. A. beautiful  B. handsome  C. lovely   D. pretty
(      ) 3. A. her   B. your   C. his   D. my
(      ) 4. A. How old  B. Where  C. Who   D. What
(      ) 5. A. short hair B. big eyes  C. a small nose D. yellow hair
(      ) 6. A. cute   B. clever   C. smart   D. quiet  
(      ) 7. A. girl   B. boy   C. woman  D. man 
(      ) 8. A. aunt  B. uncle   C. father   D. mother 
(      ) 1. A. writer    B. singer     C. worker        D. actor
(      ) 2. A. How old  B. Who     C. What   D. Where
(      ) 3. A. his    B. her     C. my   D. your
(      ) 4. A. Class Four, Grade Five   B. Class Five, Grade Four 
C. Class Four, Grade Four         C. Class Five, Grade Five
(      ) 5. A. policeman   B. policewoman   C. reporter  D. singer
(      ) 6. A. mother  B. family   C. parents  D. father
(      ) 7. A. handsome man    B. pretty woman  
C. lovely girl     D. little boy
(      ) 8. A. Nice   B. Glad   C. pleased  D. Happy

(      ) 1. A. singer B. teacher  C. reporter   D. manager 
(      ) 2. A. bank  B. hotel   C. hospital   D. bookshop
(      ) 3. A. interview people  B. help doctors   
C. send letters    D. grow wheat 
(      ) 4. A. work  B. play   C. study  D. How
(      ) 5. A. kind  B. beautiful C. handsome  D. Clever

(   ) 1. A. but             B. put               C. poor
(   ) 2. A. dictionary       B. schoolbag         C. crayon
(   ) 3. A. active           B. actively           C. activity
(   ) 4. A. six              B. sixteen           C. sixty
(   ) 5. A. good            B. goose             C. cool
(   ) 6. A. has             B. his               C. have
(   ) 7. A. Who           B. Whose        C. Who’s 
(   ) 8. A. Kate          B. Kate’s         C. Cat’s
(      ) 1. A. cherries  B. strawberries   C. candies       D. cherry
(      ) 2. A. star fruits B. kiwi fruit    C. grapefruits  D. grapes
(      ) 3. A. this    B. these    C. that      D. those
(      ) 4. A. watermelons B. hami melons   C. melons       D. lemons
(      ) 5. A. food      B. fruit       C. foot      D. noodle
(      ) 6. A. There  B. They are  C. There are  D. Those are
(      ) 7. A. lychees  B. longans        C. this is         D. peaches        
(      ) 8. A. nuts      B. coconuts  C. Coke      D. cook
III. Listen to the questions and choose the best answers. 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的A、B两个答语,找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的最佳选项。
(    ) 1. A. My name is Tom.               B. This is Tom.  
(    ) 2. A. It’s twelve.        B. I’m twelve.
(    ) 3. A. I come from New Zealand.      B. I live at 4 Beijing Street.
(    ) 4. A. I live on Garden Road.     B. I come from Tianjin. 
(    ) 5. A. Yes, I do.                B. I like singing.  
(    ) 6. A. Welcome to our class!        B. Let’s begin our class. 
(    ) 7. A. He likes both singing and dancing.  B. Yes, I do.  
(     ) 1. A. My name is Ken.  B. Her name is Anna.  
C. His name is Gao Wei.
(     ) 2. A. She’s twelve.   B. He’s eleven.   C. I’m ten.
(     ) 3. A. She has long hair and blue eyes.  B. He is tall and with short hair.
C. I am handsome and very friendly.
(     ) 4. A. He’s my brother.  B. He’s my uncle.   C. He’s smart.
(     ) 5. A. Yes, I do.    B. Yes, I am.    C. No, I am not.
(     ) 6. A. He lives on Green Road.  B. He comes from Beijing.
C. No, he is from Shanghai.
(     ) 7. A. Yes, I live on Nanjing Road.   B. I live on Nanjing Road. 
C. I come from Nanjing.
(    )1. A. He’s my brother.     B. She’s my friend.   C. He’s a student.
(    )2. A. She’s from China.   B. She’s a teacher.   C. She wants to be a teacher.
(    )3. A. They work in a factory. B. They live in Beijing. C. They come from Beijing.
(    )4. A. I want to go to America. B. I am a fireman.    C. I want to be a postman.
(    )5. A. No, she isn’t.   B. No, he isn’t.  C. No, he doesn’t. 
(    )6. A. Yes, she is.  B. Yes, she does.  C. Yes, he does. 
(    )7. A. He comes from Australia.  B. She lives in Australia.  
C. She comes from Australia.  
(      ) 1. A. He’s a student.    B. He’s my friend.   C. Yes, he is. 
(      ) 2. A. She’s from China.          B. She works in a bank.
          C. She’s a manager.
(      ) 3. A. No, he isn’t.    B. Yes, she is.  C. He’s a farmer.
(      ) 4. A. She works a BJTV.         B. He works at TJTV.
          C. They work at CCTV.
(      ) 5. A. They are my mum, my dad and I.     B. There are five.
          C. They are teachers.
(   ) 1. A. No, it isn’t.       B. No, he doesn’t.       C. No, it isn’t her umbrella.
(   ) 2. A. Yes, it’s my camera.   B. It’s my camera.     C. No, it isn’t my camera.
(   ) 3. A. No, it isn’t.           B. Yes, it’s Lucy’s cow.    C. I made the cow.
(   ) 4. A. Yes, he is.            B. Yes, she is.     C. Yes, it is.
(   ) 5. A. Oh, it’s my ruler.      B. OK. Here you are.  C. OK, we will.
(   ) 6. A. Thank you.           B. You’re welcome.        C. No, thanks.
(   ) 7. A. She’s a singer.         B. Yes, she is.            C. She likes singing.

(    )1. A. There are grapes.     B. They are grapes.  C. These are grapes.
(    )2. A. Yes, it is.           B. They are cherries.  C. No, they are cherries.
(    )3. A. It’s a watermelon.    B. This is a watermelon. C. There is a watermelon.
(    )4. A. Sure.               B. Yes, you have.        C. Yes, you do.
(    )5. A. No, they aren’t.   B. No, there aren’t.   C. Yes, there are. 
(    )6. A. I like tomatoes.  B. I like longans.   C. I like cucumbers.
(    )7. A. Yes, I’d like it.   B. Yes, I do.          C. No, thanks.
二. 看图选单词。

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