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The world is changing very fast. Many things are different from the past.
Not all changes are right. But some changes I really like.
(   ) 1. Thank you for ______ to us.
       A. talking     B. talk     C. talked
(   ) 2. There _____ any buses.    
A. were      B. was     C. weren’t
(   ) 3. What did you have ____ breakfast?  
A. for       B. to       C. at
(   ) 4. -Did she ______ any foreign languages? –Yes, she did.
       A. learnt    B . learning   C. learn
(   ) 5. I’ve got ____email from Lingling.
       A. a        B. an        C.the
(   ) 6. She couldn’t read ____ write.     
A. or   B. and   C. with 
(   ) 7. -Where are the books ____ animals? -They’re ____ Shelf C.
        A. about , in   B. with, on  C. about, on
(   ) 8.Where ____ you live ten years ago?
       A. do      B. did       C. does
(   ) 9. She ____ a student ten years ago, now she ___ a teacher.
       A. was, was  B. is, was   C. was, is
(   )10. There is a TV show _____ China.
       A. in       B. about     C. with 
(   )1. Did she have a television?         A. Because she was a dancer.
(   )2. Where did you live ten years ago ?  B. No, she didn’t.
(   )3. What did she have for dinner?      C. Yes, she does
(   )4. Who are they?                   D. Yes, it is.
(   )5. Is this your grandma?             E. I live in a small village.
(   )6. What did she do yesterday?        F. She danced.
(   )7.Does Amy like hamburgers?        G. Good idea!
(   )8.Let’s have a party.                H. She had sausages. (   )9.What are you doing, Daming?       I. I’m learning English.
(   )10. Why is she wearing these clothes?  J. They are my grandparents.
A.Yes, she does.
B.She had fish and chips.  
C.Good idea.
D.What does it say?
E.What did she have?
Daming: Look! I’ve got an email from Lingling.
Amy : _______________________                          
Daming: Yesterday she had an English breakfast.
Amy : _______________________
Daming: She had sausages and milk.                         
Amy : What did she have for lunch?
Amy : Sounds good! Does she like English food?                     
Daming:_____________  It’s delicious.
Amy: I’m hungry now. Let’s go and eat some chips.                     
Daming: ________________                      
1.  for  what  have  did   breakfast   you (?)

2.  in  small   we   house  lived  a (.)

3.  are  buses  lots  cars  and  there  of (.)


4.  find,  books,  we,  can,  from ,information ,CDs, and(.)


5.  these  all   are   books  science    about(.)

Dear Amy,
I have a big family. My grandfather was a policeman. But now he is retired. My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. My grandfather is learning English now and my mother is teaching him. My brother is a cooker. Many years ago, We lived in a small house and we didn’t have a TV or a radio. But now we live in a big house. There are some new and high buildings (高大建筑物)in our city. There are many cars in the street. What about your family? Please write to me soon.
(    ) 1.Amy write this email.
(    ) 2.Lingling’s grandfather was a cooker.
(    ) 3.Lingling’s brother is learning English now.
(    ) 4.Now Lingling’s family live in a big house.
(    ) 5.There are many cars in the city now.  
1.Let’s make a home _________(图书馆).
2.Twenty years ago, he _________(学习) very hard.
3.What did you eat for ____________(早餐)?
4. We can find information from ________(电影).
5. I watched TV last________(夜晚).

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