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英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 一些人认为低地苏格兰语是与英语最接近的一个独立语言,而一些人则认为它是英语的一个方言。接下来,和小编一起来练习六年级一起第十二册第七八模块测试题



1.瞎的________ 2.盲的_________ 3.度过________4.将来某一天_______5.录像_________ 6.激动的________ 7.自豪的________


1.story(复数)_____ 2.write(现在分词)_______ 3.have(单数第三人称形式)______ 4.feel(过去式)________ 5.fly(过去式)_______ 6.spent(原型)______ 7.could(原型)________ 8.she(宾格)_________ 9.one(序数词)______ 10.can(否定形式)_________


1.primary school_________ 2.middle school_______ 3.be proud of_____ 4.be angry with_________

5.be interested in______ 6 come true______7. be born________


1.There is a girl___No.2 Primary School ____Kunming.

A at in B in on C on in

2.I wrote a story_____my cat.

A on B about C of

3.What could you do at the age of seven?


A I can dance at the age of seven.

B I could dance at the age of seven.

C I couldn’t dance at the age of seven.

4.When I was a little boy, I____ride a bike.

A can B can’t C couldn’t


I can see a boat.

A What can you see? B What can you hear? C What can you smell?

6.Everyone in my class___very excited yesterday.

A was B were C is

7.I am proud_____my son.

A to B for C of

8.It is very difficult____me to guess the riddle.

A to B for C of

9.She could______pictures. www.

A draws B drew C draw

10.He was deaf.____he couldn’t hear.

A and B So C so


1.about spent in 21 hours space he.


2.wanted he into go into space to.


3.Then came his true dream.


4.learned she read write and to.


5.Helen’s “Water” was first word.



1.Helen Keller was blind. So she_____see.(can’t couldn’t)

2.But now I_____walk and talk.(can could)

3.My mum usually_____to work at half past seven.(go goes)

4.We______a birthday now.(had are having)

5.Yesterday I_____a girl.(see saw)

6.She loves_____.( writing write)

7.He wanted_________to America someday.(to go went)


1.She could speak English.






2.I spent three hours in the park.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________?

3.I am going to have a picnic tomorrow.(改为现在进行时)___________________________________.


Thomas Edison(托马斯•爱迪生)

Thomas Edison invented many_____. He didn’t have much school education(教育). How did he do all these? Because he knew how to_____. A lot of things_______taught(教)_____school. He got knowledge

(知识) from books outside school. He worked hard all_____life, and the most important thing is that he knew how to use his head.

( )1. A thing B things

( ) 2. A studies B study

( ) 3. A is B are

( )4. A at B on

( ) 5. A his B him


Long, long ago, there was a young man in a small town. His name was Jackie. His father died, and he live with his mother. He had no brothers or sisters. His mother was old , but she was strong. Jackie and his mother were very poor. They had little money. They had a very small and old horse. Their clothes were old,too. Often they had no food for dinner.

( ) 1.There was a young woman in a small town.

( ) 2.Jackie had no father.

( ) 3.Jackie’s mother was young

( ) 4.Jackie and his mother were rich.

( ) 5.They had a small and old horse.

十.小写作。以“Last Sunday”为题写一篇不少于40词的短文。







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