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一. 听录音,选出你所听到的一项。(10分)

( )1.A.going B.doing C.playing

( )2.A.talk B.pick C.read

( )3.A.write a book B.write a letter C.read a book

( )4.A.birthday B.Wednesday C.Friday

( )5.A.find B.write C.like

二. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)

( )1.A.We’re going to find information.

B.We’re going to write a report.

( )2.A.They’re in the reading room.

B.They’re in the living room.

( )3.A.He is playing football.

B.He is playing games.

( )4.A.My birthday is on the first of February.

B.My birthday is on the first of September.

( )5.A.I’ll buy a dress for her.

B.I’m going to buy a dress for her.

三. 听音,给下列图片标序号。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四. 听音,填词,补全句子。(10分)

1.We’re going to ______to interesting stories.

2.We’re going to_______and think.

3.Do not_____waste paper on the floor.

4.It’s on the first of ______.

5.On the____I’ll write“Happy Mother’s Day”


一.独树一帜。(选出不同类的单词) (10分)

( )1.A.talk B.write C.story

( )2.A.collecting B.playing C.interesting

( )3.A.May B.Friday C.April

( )4.A.book B.rose C.short

( )5.A.we B.they C.me


1. No_____in the park.

2. _______a picture on the bamboo.

3. _______we sing this song again.

4. Let me____you how to play football.

5. ______we open the book,and then look at PartA.

三. 单项选择。(20分)

( )1.Bob ____like noodles.

A.do B.don’t C.doesn’t

( )2.Boys and girls,do you know how___a kite?

A.making B.make C.to make

( )3.Mrs Chen____Dongdong to the library now.

A.is taking B.taking C.take

( )4.___pick flowers in the park.

A.Isn’t B.Don’t C.Aren’t

( )5.He always___loudly.

A.sing B.singing C.sings

( )6.My birthday is ____May.

A.on B.in C.at

( )7.Anne’s birthday is on the ____ of June.

A.five B.fiveth C.fifth

( )8.Mother ____me a nice present on my next birthday.

A.will gives B.will give C.give

( )9.They_____an English test(测试) next Sunday.

A.are going to have B.will having C.is going to have

( )10.Let’s ____the paper on the bamboo.

A.glue B.glues C.go glue

四. 给问句选择合适的答语。(10分)

( )1.When’s your birthday?

( )2.What will you do for your mother?

( )3.What time are Peter and Sandy going to meet?

( )4.What are you going to do?

( )5.When’s Mother’s Day?

A. At about nine o’clock.

B. I’ll buy a beautiful rose for her.

C. It’s on the second Sunday of May.

D. It’s on the first of October.

E. We’re going to swim.


1. He is going to _____(collect) some pictures .

2. Can you____(write) about animals?

3. I’ll ____(cook) dinner.

4. I like _____(do) some research.

5. Tomorrow is______(children)holiday.


Today is my birthday.It’s my tenth birthday.I am very happy.I have a birthday party in my house. Peter,Lingling,Uncle Li ,Aunt Lin and Jessica come to my party.We eat chicken wings(翅膀),a birthday cake,crab (螃蟹)and apple salad( 沙拉),It is so great! Then we drink some green tea,orange juice and lemon tea.We play games,have a barbecue(烧烤)and play badminton( 羽毛球).Uncle Li gives me a present, “Oh! It’s a cute doll! ” I love it very much.

( )1.I’m ____years old.

A.ten B.nine C.eleven

( )2.I have a party in____.

A.the park B.the school C.my house

( )3.______come to my party.

A.Kitty B.Lingling C.Kitty and Lingling

( )4.We don’t eat______.

A.crab B.apple salad C.noodles

( )5.Uncle Li gives me a ______.

A.football B.doll C.bike

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的牛津版五年级英语下册期中测试卷,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!





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