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1. Look, They _ (have) an English class.

2. What ______ Miss Li usually ______ (do)? She usually ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

3. Mr Green likes _______ (take) photos.

4. Helen can _______ (play) the piano.

5. Look! Jim is sitting . (quiet)

6. What Mike ___ (do) ? He is ____ (write) an e-mail.


( ) 1. The boy draws ______.

A. careful B. carefully C. be careful

( ) 2. He showing his pictures ______ his friends.

A. to B. for C. of

( ) 3. Many students in our class like ______ very much.

A. take photos B. taking a photo C. taking photos

( ) 4. What _____ Nancy’s classmates usually ____ at the weekend?

A. does; do B. do; do C. do; does

( ) 5. My friend Zhang Ling ______ Maths and Science.

A. like B. don’t like C. likes

( ) 6. ______ don’t you play football with your classmates?

A. What B. Why C. Where

( ) 7. We do not go to school ___ Saturday ___ Sunday.

A. on, and B. on , to C. from , to

( ) 8. It is _ Friday morning. I have four lessons ______the afternoon.

A. on, in B. /, in C. /, on

( ) 9. I think these __________ stamps are beautiful.

A. ship B. ships C. the ship

( ) 10. My hobby is _______ basketball.

A. play B. plays C. playing

( ) 11. Nancy is ___________a letter ___________her friend.

A. writing; to B. writing; for C. write; to

( )12. We have nine _____this term.

A. subjects B. lessons C. classes

( )13. I have four lessons ___Tuesday morning and three lessons ___the afternoon.

A. on; in B. in; in C. on; on

( ) 14. He usually ________ to school by bike.

A. go B. going C. goes

( ) 15. It’s four fifteen. Classes ______ over.

A. am B. is C. are

四、在Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏句子相对应的答语 5分


( )1.What shape is the sun? A. Sunday.

( )2.What lessons do you have in the morning? B. We have three.

( )3.How many lessons do you have in the morning? C. It’s a circle.

( )4.How do you feel now? D. We have Art, PE and English.

( )5.What day is the first day of a week? E. I feel hot.

五、根据上下文情境完成对话,每空写一个单词 5分

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m writing an to my friend..

A: he study English?

B: Yes, and he can speak English .

A: You like jumping. And you jump high . Does he have the hobby?

B: No, but he runs .

六、根据中文提示完成句子,每空写一个单词 5分

1、-- 你怎么了? -- 我重感冒了。

-- What’s with you? -- I’ve got a cold .

2、-- 你有兴趣爱好吗? --- 是的,我喜欢画画。

-- Do you have any ?

-- Yes, I like .

3、-- 你叔叔在哪里? -- 他在书房里做模型飞机。

-- Where’s your ?

-- He’s a model in the study.



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