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一、 听录音选出你所听到的单词(10)

( ) 1.A. team B.them C. tea

( ) 2.A. catch B. coffee C.control

( ) 3.A. really B.hungry C. badly

( ) 4.A. well B. will C. wheel

( ) 5.A.chick B.cake C. take

二、 听录音为下列图片排序 (10)


( )1. A. What time does school start?

B. When does school start?

( ) 2. A. This little girl can walk.

B. This little girl can’t walk.

( )3. A. There’s a programme about dogs.

B. There’s a programme about cats.

( )4. A.Can you control the ball?

B. Can you catch the ball?

( )5.A. I get up at half past seven.

B.He gets up at half past seven.


( )1.A. Very badly. B. Yes, I was.

( ) 2. A. Yes, we can’t. B. No, we can’t.

( )3. A.A young girl helps him. B. These chicks can’t eat.

( )4. A.My school stars at nine o’clock.

B. I get up at half past seven.

( )5.A.The bell rang at 9 o’clock. B.They start at 9 o’clock.


1.You can play football _____.

2.I ____ do 2 at all.

3.This man is ______.

4.Her mother _____ her.

5.Do you do __________ every morning?


一、 选择填空 (10)X Kb 1.C om

( ) 1.You were very good _____ basketball.

A. at B. to C. about

( ) 2.This girl is deaf . She _____ hear.

A. can’t B. can C.don’t

( ) 3.You can ____ a good goalkeeper.

A. is B.do C. be

( ) 4.These firemen can’t find people. These dogs ____ them.

A. help B. helps C. helping

( ) 5._______ does school start?

A. What B. Where C.What time

( )6.I get up ____ half past seven.

A.at B.on C. in

( ) 7.This little girl can’t walk. Her father ______.

A. help her B. helps her C.helps she

( ) 8.I can’t do to _____.

A. well B.at all C. very well

( ) 9.Do you want _____ in our football team?

A.be B. to be C. to do

( ) 10.There ‘s a programme _____ dogs.

A. about B. with C.for

二.选出不同类的单词 (10)

( ) 1.A. badly B. really C. well D. team

( ) 2.A.catch B. chick C. control D. play

( ) 3.A. coffee B.tea C. cheese D. sausage

( ) 4.A. rang B. met C.ring D. ran

( ) 5.A. firemen B. dancer C. programme D. doctor


( )1. What time do you get up? A. She went to school.

( )2. Can we have a dog? B. Yes, I can.

( )3.Where did Lingling go? C. I get up at 7:00.

( )4. Do you walk to school? D. Yes, I do.

( )5.Can you run fast? E. No, we can’t.

四、连词成句(10 )

1.can the ball well You catch


2.useful very Dogs are


3.helps them mother Their


4.like Lingling skipping me with I


5.9o’clock start at My school


五、根据情境选择正确的句子 (10)

( )1.你擅长跳舞,可以对别人说:________

A: I am good at dancing. B: I can dance.

( )2.他根本不会踢足球,他可以说:________

A: He can’t play football. B: He can’t play football at all .

( )3.这些小鸟不会吃,用英语怎样说:________

A: These chicks can’t eat. B: These chicks can eat.

( )4.你想问对方是否跑得快,可以问:________

A: You can run fast. B: Can you run fast?

( )5.想知道他们在操场上做什么,可以问:_______

A: What do they do in the playground?

B: What did they do then?



table tennis

play football


ride bikes

play basketball






例: Amy can’t play football.

1. Lingling ____________________________.

2.Sam ___________________.

3.Daming _________________.


以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的五年级期中英语试卷外研版,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!





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