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为了方便各位同学们为接下来的期末考试做好准备,威廉希尔app 为大家准备了一篇五年级英语下册期中试题人教版,希望大家认真练习,相信一定会帮到大家的!


( )1.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Science

( )2. A. beautiful B. beautifully C. carefully

( )3. A. surfs B. surfing C. surf

( )4. A. five B. fever C. free

( )5.A. I am ill. B. I still feel ill. C. I’m still ill.

( )6. A. headache B. earache C. toothache

( )7.A. happy B. hobby C. shopping

( )8. A. sit quietly B. play well C.read fast

( )9. A..She lives in a big town near Wuxi.

B. He lives in a small city near Nanjing.

C. He lives in a small town near Nanjing

( )10. A.Miss Li is writing a letter.

B. Miss Li is playing football.

C. Miss Li is playing bable tennis.


( )1. A. He’s swimming. B. He can swim.

C. No, he doesn’t.

( )2. A. No, she can’t. B. She doesn’t study Maths.

C. Yes, she does.

( )3. A. I like English. B. I like yellow.

C. I like growing flowers.

( )4. A. They are Art, English and Music. B. There are Art, English and Music

C. We have Art, English and Music

( )5. A. He can play football. B. He is playing football.

C. He plays football.


( )1.A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Sunday

( )2.A. English stories B. Hobbies C. Model planes

( )3. A. No, he has three B. No, he has seven C. Yes, he has eight

( )4. A. She’s fine B.She’s hot C. She’s ill

( )5.A. She usually does housework. B. She usually does homework.

C. She usually has a violin lesson.




1. hobby (复数) 2. study(第三人称单数)

3. take (现在分词) 4. good(副词)

5. does not(缩写形式) 6.can’t (完全形式)


1.讲汉语 2.每一周

3.打电话给她 4.喜欢收集邮票

5.在周五早晨 6.跑得快


1. Helen (play) the piano very well.

2. She (make) a model plane now.

3. What Nancy usually (do) after school?

4.My sister likes (dance) . She dances (beautiful) .


( )1.A: I’ve got a cough.. B:

A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Great! C. Thank you.

( )2. I can’t storybooks you.

A. getting , for B. get, to C. get, for D. get, with

( )3. I usually stay home Sunday afternoon.

A. at, on B. in, in C. at, in D. in , on

( )4. My uncle cooking and growing trees.

A. don’t like B. doesn’t like C. doesn’t likes

( )5. He is a letter his friend.

A. write,to B. writing, to C. write, for D. writing, for

( )6.Please listen to the teacher .

A. careful B carefully C. be careful

( )7. I am playing chess my friend.

A. to B. for C. with D. in

( )8. Jim is an English boy and he speaks English .

A. good B. fine C. very D. well

( )9.She ofter works morning night.

A. from, on B.to, from C. from, to D. on, at

( )10.We have nine this term.

A. subjects B. lessons C. class D. days


( )1. Why are you absent? A. Here you are.

( )2. Show us his stamps. B. My hobby is running .

( )3. What’s your hobby? C. Yes

( )4.How do you feel now? D. I’m ill.I’m staying in bed.

( )5.Does she jump high? E. I feel fine.


A: Hello, is that Jim?

B: Yes. is Jim .

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m e-mail.

A: Do you often e-mails in the evening?

B: No, I .But my father .He likes making model ships.

A: Oh ,I see.


My name is Anna. We have three lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. I have Chinese,Maths, English, Art, Science, Social Science, PE and Computer Studies. I like English very much.. But my friend Li Hui does not.. He likes Maths and PE. Many students in our class like PE. They like playing football. Some students like Art. They usually play the violins and draw pictures after school. I ofter go and play in the park on Saturdays and I usually read English on the Internet on Sundays.

( )1. Anna has four lessons in a day.

( )2. Li Hui likes English and Anna likes Maths.

( )3. Anna goes to school every day.

( )4.Li Hui goes and plays in the park on Saturdays.

( )5.Many students like PE and Some students like Art.


1.What day is it today?

2. How many days are there in a week?

3. What’s your father’s hobby?

4. What subject do you like? Why?

5. What do you usually do at weekends(在周末)?






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