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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供的五年级下册英语期中试卷人教版


一、 听录音,圈出你所听到单词的序号。(10分)

1. A. backpack B. suitcase C. handbag

2. A. he B. hers C. her

3. A. goal B. goat C. get

4. A. feet B. friend C. field

5. A. me B. meet C. meeting

6. A. guitar B. get C. give

7. A. grade B. ground C. great

8. A. room B. row C. ride

9. A. quick B. quickly C. quiet

10. A. tennis B. tonight C. trip

二、听录音,给下列句子标号。 (5分)

( ) There was a big football game at our school yesterday.

( ) We will have a concert on Children’s Day.

( ) Dad came back from Germany yesterday.

( ) We wanted to cheer for our school team.

( ) Mocky is very happy because he can play the drums.


1.A. Yes, we can. B. Yes, you can. C. Yes, I can.

2. A. No, it didn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it is

3. A. Read a book. B. Watched TV. C. Plays tennis.

4. A. April 26th. B. Sunday. C. Nine o’clock.

5. A. Yes, I will. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I did.


1. ______________ classroom is it? It’s__________.

2. What will you do ____________?

3. She’s a ____________ __________ of our school.


五、圈出与其他三个不同类的单词。 (10分)

1. A. piano B. guitar C. violin D. suitcase

2. A. drums B. backpack C. suitcase D. schoolbag

3. A. volleyball B. basketball C. badminton D. flute

4. A. bank B. airport C. sports D. supermarket

5. A. two B. first C. second D. third


1. 回来_________________ 2. 打篮球______________

3. 为…呐喊______________ 4. 儿童节______________

5. 最后__________________ 6. 同时_______________

7. 走开__________________ 8. 弹钢琴_____________

9. 看电影________________ 10. 回家______________

七、读句子,圈上括号中的最佳答案,。( 10)

1、Lucy wants to help Jim (to/with/in)his maths.

2.(Whose /Who /Who's)ruler are they ?-They are hers.

3.Is this bag yours?—Yes, it is (me/my /mine) .

4.(She /Her/ His) is Miss Li.

(Her/She/He)book is on the desk.

5. All the children and their parents are(on/in/at)the concert.

6.I (go/goes /went)to the park with my sister yesterday.

7. Tom can play ( the /a ) drums.

8.Let’s go (swim /swimming /swam)this weekend.

9. The children (do /are/will)go to Dalian next summer.

10. Tom wanted to(go /goes/going)on vacation last holiday.

八、读句子,将其标号填入句前括号内。 (10分)

A. B. C. D. E.

( ) 1. Ben often clean classroom after class.

( ) 2. Jack played football with his friends last Saturday. They had a good time.

( ) 3. Mr. and Mrs. Black come to visit me. I am so happy.

( ) 4. I like skating. I will go skating with my parents this Sunday.

( ) 5. My parents bought me a new computer. I love it.



( ) 1. Whose watch is this?

( ) 2. When will the concert start?

( ) 3. Can you and Mom come?

( ) 4.Where is the bank?

( ) 5. Which row are we in?


A. Row D.

B. It will start at six o’clock.

C.. It’s next to the post office.

D. Yes, we can

E. It’s hers.

十、根据提供的情景,选择正确的英语表达。 (10分)

( ) 1. 今天是个好天气,你应该说:

A. It’s a rainy day today.

B. It’s a fine day today.

( ) 2. 当你想知道Ann 和 Ken谁重时,会问:

A. Who is the heaviest?

B. Who is the heavier, Ann or Ken?

( ) 3. 当你想知道这个足球是谁的时,会问:

A. Whose football is this?

B. Where is the football?

( ) 4. 当你想告诉你的朋友,你们学校要举办一场音乐会时,会说:

A. Our school will have a concert on Children’s Day.

B. Our school will have a football game on Children’s Day.

( ) 5. 当你想告诉别人这个照相机是Peter的时候,会说:

A. This camera is hers.

B. This camera is his.

十一、根据句子描述选出最佳选项,将正确答案的序号写在( )中。 (5分)

( ) 1. It’s long and yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.

A. A banana. B. A pear.

( ) 2. It is warm. You can wear it in cold days.

A. A skirt. B. A sweater.

( ) 3. It helps you to find the place which you want to


A. A map. B. A bus.

( ) 4. It is a long animal with no legs. It walks with its


A. A frog. B. A snake.

( ) 5. They are inside your mouth and you can eat with


A. Teeth. B. Ears

十二、阅读理解。 (5分)

This is our classroom. It’s a nice and big room. The walls are white and the windows are big. There are two doors in the room. There are four rows of desks and chairs in it. There are ten desks and chairs in every row. There is a big blackboard in the room, too. We have a map of China in our classroom. It’s on the wall near the blackboard. We have a clock. It is over(在……上方) the blackboard. The teacher’s desk is near the blackboard, too. There are some flowers on the windows. And behind the front(前面的) door there are three brooms. In the room there are seven lights.

Our bags are behind our chairs. There are some books and school things on our desks. We like our classroom very much.


( ) 1. Our classroom is ______.

A. an old one B. a new one

C. very small D. very big

( ) 2. There are __students in our class.

A. forty B. twenty C. thirty D. fifty

( ) 3. Our clock is ________.

A. on the wall behind the room

B. over the blackboard

C. on the teacher’s desk

D. behind the front door

( ) 4. There are some ______and _____ on our desks.

A. apples; books B. books; pencils

C. books; school things D. flowers; lights

( ) 5. How many lights are there in the classroom?


A. There are seven B. It’s seven

C. Six D. Eight

十三、 作文请用简单语言介绍周末的打算。5分

Tomorrow is Sunday. I will

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的五年级下册英语期中试卷人教版,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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