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( )1.A.drive B.drove C.driver

( )2.A.return B.turn C.read

( )3.A.broken B.back C.brown

( )4.A.sandwich B.sausage C.message

( )5.A.hand B.shoulder C.solve

( )6.A.send B.sandwich C.season

( )7.A.circle B.carry C. chocolate

( )8.A.twelve B.twenty C.ten

( )9.A.because B.between C.before

( )10.A.delicious B.different C.dinner

二、 听录音,找出句子中所含的单词或词组,每小题读两遍。(10)

( )1.A.in an office B.in a factory C.in a hospital

( )2.A.played the erhu B.played the flute C.played Chinese music

( )3.A.eggs and sausages B.eggs and sandwiches C.fish and chips

( )4.A.half past ten B.half past twelve C.half past two

( )5.A.have got B.has got C.haven’t got

( )6.A.use the computer B.borrow books C.do your homework

( )7.A.eat them B.ate them C.read them

( )8.A.a lot of B.lots of C.lot of

( )9.A.black one B.broken one C.black bag

( )10.A.should B.shelf C.shoulder


1. ( ) A. By car. B. We’ll see many ducks.

2. ( ) A. He had noodles. B. She had fish and chips.

3. ( ) A. He worked in a shop. B. He is a bus driver.

4. ( ) A. Yes, we have. B I have got the books.

5. ( ) A.I can go swimming. B. Summer.

四、 听录音,在相应图片下面的括号里画“√”表示。(10分)

1. 2.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

五、Listen and number(听音、标号) (8分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


一、Choose the correct answer(选择填空). (10)

( )1. Where do your parents work? My mother _____ in a shop.

A. work B works C. workedxKb 1 .Com

( )2. What ___ he before?

A. is B. are C. was

( )3. Yesterday she had __ English breakfast.

A. a B. an C. /

( )4. Lunch is usually ___ half past twelve.

A. in B. on C. at

( )5. We like Harry Potter _______ China, too.

A. in B. at C. on

( )6. You can’t talk ____ your friends.

A. from B. to C. as

( )7. Daming, I sent you a Maths game. Did you get ____?

A. them B. game C. it

( )8. I love winter. It’s cold. I can play ______ the snow.

A. from B.at C. with

( )9. This black bag has got wheels. It will be easy _____ her.

A. for B. with C. from

( )10. Mine is pink. I carry it ______ my shoulder.

A. with B. on C. over


1. What did she ________? She _______ a bus.

2. What can you do in the ________?

We can _______books and videos.

3.Please ________ the books in two weeks.

4.I’ve ______some books. I ________them last week.

5.This black bag is _______.

6.Why do people _______this? It’s a ________.


1. it/ did/ you / get

2. did/ play/ what/ he/ music

3. Harry Potter/you/ have /got/ the/ videos

4. have / for dinner / she /what / did

5. at/ look/ this /one/ green


1. This bag is _______. (重的)

2. But it’s very _______ .(美味的)

3.I _________ (原以为,认为)it was a joke.

4.The teacher asked us to sit in a ___________(圈)

5.His shoes are __________(破了),he wants new ones.

6.It’s a very old _______(地方).


In England, people usually have breakfast at seven o’clock. Lunch is usually at half past twelve. Dinner is usually at half past six.

Sundays are special in England. Families usually eat lunch together. They eat chikcen, potatoes and vegetables. On Fridays, many people eat fish.

( ) 1. People usually have breakfast at 7:30.

( ) 2. Saturdays are special in England.

( )3.In England, people usually eat lunch together on Sundays.

( ) 4. Many English people eat fish on Fridays.

( ) 5. English people usually have dinner at six.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的五年级下册英语期中考试卷人教版,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!






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