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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供的五年级英语下册期中测试卷


( )1. A. fit B. fits C. pick

( )2. A. take of B. takes off C. take off

( )3. A. shows me B. show me C. show to me

( )4. A. by B. buy C. bye

( )5. A. try on B. tries on C. is trying on

( )6. A. bike B. bus C. taxi

( )7. A. Mike B. Mike’s C. Mikes

( )8. A. drink B. drinks C. drinking

( )9. A. later B. late C. letter

( )10. A. hurt B. hers C. hurts


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,根据听到的句子,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)( 10分)

( )1. A. He go to school by bike. B. He goes to school on foot.

C. He goes school on foot.

( )2. A. We are. B. Liu Tao is C. Liu Tao and Tim do.

( )3. A. Because I’m ill. B. Because it’s my birthday today.

C. Because I’m happy.

( )4. A. No, they can’t. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she can’t.

( )5. A. They often go there on foot.

B. They often go for a walk by the lake.

C. They are watching TV at home.


1. Cinderella ______ on the new ________and shoes.

2. My uncle _______ on a big ship. He goes to many _______.

3. Go _______this Moon Street, you can see my house on your ________.

4. She likes_______ sweets, so she ________her teeth twice every day.

5. You________ talk or eat _________.



( )1. near hear ( )2. ship bike

( )3. room mushroom ( )4. peach watch

( )5. dress traffic



( )1. A. bus B. car C. behind D. plane

( )2. A. walk B. bookshop C. shop D. supermarket

( )3. A. feel B. toothache C. stomach ache D. headache

( )4. A. try B. clothes C. shoes D. jacket

( )5. A. ride B. street C. take D. see


1. I go to school on ________.

2. Then turn r________ at the traffic light.

3. Nancy likes riding b_______ in the park.

4. I have a fever, I should ___________ ____ ____________ at home.

5. My grandma is ill. I’ll send him to the ______________.


1. Who__________(help) you with your English?

2. They have to ________(come) home at 11o’clock.

3. Eating too many sweets is bad for _________(we).

4. I have some nice __________ (dress).

5. My grandfather can’t see ________¬¬(something).

6. I want ______________(show) you my new kite.

7. Miss Li __________________(not work) on Saturdays.


1. get off 2. go to the party 3. get there 4. before supper

5. have a good time 6. come back 7. have to 8. it’s time to

1.---Do you do your homework___________?

--- No, I do it after supper.

2. We all ___________ at Ben’s birthday party.

3. The old man can’t find the park. He asks the policeman how to ___________.

4. _________ get up, Linda.

5. Who can’t _________? Why?

6. I ___________ go now.

7. You can take Bus No. 114 and _________in front of Xinhua Bookshop.

8. When does she________? She comes back at five o’clock.


( )1.A:Whose jeans are these? B:________

A. They’re Linda’s B. It’s Linda’s C. They are Linda.

( )2. That girl_______ so dad. Her hand_______.

A. look, hurt B. looks, hurts C. looks, hurt

( )3. Do you have______ drinks? I’m very _______

A. any, thirsty B. some, hungry C. any, hungry

( )4. Mike shouldn’t eat ________ cola, it’s bad for_______.

A. too many, he B. too much, him C. much too, him

( )5. My father goes to work_____7:00 ______every morning.

A. in, in B. in, / C. at, /

( )6. My parents and I live in the different_______

A. city B. country C. cities

( )7. A:______ you ________ any medicine? B:Yes, I am.

A. Do, take B. Are, take C. Are, taking

( )8. A:What’s wrong with______, Yang Ling? B:I _____a high fever.

A. her, has B. her, have C. you, have

( )9.Lily ______ understand this question.

A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. don’t

( )10. In the ________, we ask “Where’s the _______?”

A. US, toilet B. UK, toilet C.US, W.C.


( )11. A:These glasses? B:No, not those. The ______ on the shelf.

A. one B. ones C. glass

( )12. There are some electric _______ in the kitchen.

A. cooker B. cooks C. cookers

( )13. My bedroom is very ______, I must sweep the floor.

A. untidy B. tidy C. clean

( )14. Please put these clothes in the ________.

A. dressing table B. wardrobe C. refrigerator

( )15. The windows is ______ the wall.

A. in B. on C. at



( ) 1. Why is Kitty so sad? A. Thirty-eight years old

( ) 2. How is your father? B. Because her dog is ill

( ) 3. Who is the boy in black? C. It’s Mike’s

( ) 4. How old is your father? D. He is fine.

( ) 5. Whose football is it? E. He is Mike.



Lucy and I go to street on Sunday, then we want to go to the bookshop, but we don’t know the way. We ask the policeman in the street for help. He tells us to walk along Renmin Road, and turn right at the fourth crossing(十字路口). Then we walk and walk but we can’t see the bookshop. We are too tired(累),so we take a taxi. “Please take us to the bookshop.” We tell the taxi driver. The taxi driver laughs (笑)and says, “ The bookshop is over there, you may(可以)get off now.”

( )1. Lucy and I go to the bookshop on Saturday.

( )2. We want to go to the bookshop.

( )3. The policeman tells us the way to the bookshop.

( )4. Lucy and I go to the bookshop by taxi.

( )5. The driver doesn’t know the way to the bookshop.


An old man goes to see a doctor. The doctor looks him carefully and says,“ Medicine won’t help you. You must have a rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar(香烟) a day. Go to the country place(乡下) for a month(一个月).

After a month the man comes to see the doctor again. “How are you?” says the doctor. “I’m glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now,” said the man. “ I have a rest well. I go to bed early, drink a lot of milk and walk a lot. Your advice(建议)helps me. But to smoke one cigar a day, and that almost(几乎) kills(杀了) me at first. Because I can’t smoke any cigars before.

( ) 1. The doctor asks the man _____________

A. to go to bed early B. to drink milk C. to walk a lot D. A,B and C

( ) 2. Which sentence is right?

A. The doctor tells the man to visit a beautiful city for a month.

B. The doctor doesn’t tell him what to do.

C. After a month, the old man feels better.

D. The cigar kills the old man.

( ) 3. The doctor wants the old man _________.

A. to get old B. to smoke less (少)cigar

C. to start smoking D. to drink juice

4. Why does the cigar almost kill the old man?


5. Can the old man understand the doctor’s advice?




1. Do the shoes fit? Yes, they fit well.

2. It’s too hot, Nancy. Take off your coat.

3. Please show me your homework.

4. I want to buy a bike on my birthday.

5. Bobby is trying on his new jacket. It’s smart.

6. Shall we go to the park by bus? Ok

7. Whose socks are they? They’re Mike’s.

8. You look thirsty. Drink some water, please.

9. Why are you always late for school.

10.The shoe is too small, the girl’s foot hurts.

(1-5 ACBBC 6-10 BBABC)



1. How does your father go to work every day? By bus.

2. Shall we go to the library? Sorry I want to see a film with my mother.

3. How is your sister? She is fine.

4. Do you like reading stories? I like Monkey King best.

5. What’s wrong with Tim? He has a toothache.



1. How does your brother go to school every day?

2. Who goes to school by bus in our class?

3. Why are you so happy?

4. Can the girls try the shoe on?

5. Where do your parents go after supper every day?



1. Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.

2. My uncle works on a big ship. He goes to many cities.

3. Go along this Moon Street, you can see my house on your left.

4. She likes eating sweets, so she brushes her teeth twice every day.

5. You shouldn’t talk or eat either.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的五年级英语下册期中测试卷,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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